Search results

  1. Hughvane

    iMac mouse problem

    Can we have a bit more info about the model of iMac and mouse. In the meantime, don't give up on Mac, there is an adjustment period that's longer for some than for others. If you want to do something in the interim, pop out and buy a PC USB mouse, cheap as you like, and try that with your...
  2. Hughvane

    Error Code 0x80020022

    AlvinLee - have you checked this? Satcomer may well be right, the Matshita drive may be either have a dirty lens requiring cleaning, or is faulty. If you're going to consider replacement, go external Pioneer. The 115D will do what you...
  3. Hughvane

    Quick Time Component

    Do you have Perian installed? If not, obtain and install it and see if that cures the movie problem.
  4. Hughvane

    Flash videos stop playing after 2-3 secs

    Please supply more information about your Mac, its configuration and OS.
  5. Hughvane

    imac too slow to play any video? PLEASE HELP!

    Mathematically, it's a 50% increase in speed. A friend owned one of the 'flower power' 600 MHz machines and he had a good run with it. To be brutally honest with you, it's all about your expectations. People who've graduated to faster and more powerful machines are amazed at what they were...
  6. Hughvane

    imac too slow to play any video? PLEASE HELP!

    In addition to the sites mentioned by nixgeek, try this: or or ; all of which mention a G3...
  7. Hughvane

    imac too slow to play any video? PLEASE HELP!

    Unfortunately you're stuck with an underpowered G3 processor, so video will either play very slowly, jerkily, or not at all (hence that warning message). VLC is probably the least demanding video player. Low resolution Quicktime movie clips should show reasonably well however, but you...
  8. Hughvane

    hp printing

    Quick thoughts: 1. Is the printer connected via passive hub or powered hub? 2. Try connecting the printer directly to the computer. 3. Check the HP printer log or printer utilities to see that nothing else is blocking the print job you're trying to do. 4. Power off (unplug - not just standby)...
  9. Hughvane

    10.3.9 Freezes Continuously

    Power off your computer completely but leave the power cord plugged into the wall socket WITH POWER OFF. Tip your eMac on its screen on to a soft towel. Open up the little 'trap door' that you see looking at you. Earth yourself by touching the metal chassis inside the eMac. Remove the RAM sticks...
  10. Hughvane

    Kern Protection Failure

    Try Kernel Panic as your search keywords. Also, have you checked the RAM seating and/or run a hardware test on the RAM and video card?
  11. Hughvane

    Choppy Audio

    Have you checked the Knowledge Base at Apple? In particular the 'Known Issues' in respect of Airport.
  12. Hughvane

    Looking for an IDE card driver for an old G4...

    Not a card recommendation but suggestions: 1. Are you determined to put the 250 inside your G4? If not, then I can suggest an IDE-USB adaptor/connector which will make your 250 an external hard drive. Whether you want to operate it 'bare' or put it in an enclosure is up to you. I have two...
  13. Hughvane

    make dock opaque?

    Try this -
  14. Hughvane

    Mouse issues

    Good one!
  15. Hughvane

    Mouse issues

    As for the first two peripherals. yes, a USB hub is fine. But is it powered? If not, you'll find that there is insufficient power from the Mac motherboard to operate more than one, maybe two, items. As for the iPod, yes, I guess so, but I don't use an iPod. With a powered hub you can...
  16. Hughvane

    cd drive stuck iMac G4

    Is the tray far enough out to get a grip on the front or side edge(s)? If so, you can pull the tray out, gently but firmly. Just don't tug at it. Your other option is to use the good ol' straightened paper clip to poke into the little hole you see below the base of the tray. Doing so should...
  17. Hughvane

    Mouse issues

    This reads to me like a USB power issue. Try plugging your mouse directly into your G4. If that solves the problem, then I'd recommend that you use the direct connection rather than the mouse > keyboard > monitor > G4. If you want to plug your keyboard directly into your G4 as well, but don't...
  18. Hughvane

    Hard drive failed?

    No, ample info is better than too little. You have a serious disk problem with Keys Out Of Order (and it is the third such issue posted in Mac forums this past week). The hard disk may be repairable with Disk Warrior, but at about US$100 it's an expensive exercise. This is almost exactly...
  19. Hughvane

    cd drive stuck iMac G4

    FWIW - I was astonished to see a Mac technician apply a small amount of CRC (WD40) spray to the cogs of the tray mechanism of my G3. Powered graphite is a good lubricant for moving parts within an electronic environment - just be sparing and careful. This may help you - see 3rd & 4th photos...
  20. Hughvane

    CD Burning Software

    Questions: Have you checked the HP website for MacOS 9 drivers? Have you investigated Toast 5.1? You will have to shop around, maybe advertise. If software is going to be the big stumbling block, then I would suggest that you replace the HP internal drive with a Pioneer. They work well...