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  1. T

    cant see firewire device

    reading up on firewire variations... i believe both are 400 variety... but is it possible there is a compatability issue with cable due to different pin configs?
  2. T

    cant see firewire device

    I'm assuming you intended to include a link?
  3. T

    exe files

    I'm not disagreeing in any way, but I can't help but wonder if I was doing something incorrectly? Is there a reason that literally all of the two dozen or so program files I located once unzipped appear as exe files even though they are all listed specifically as the mac os x versions of that...
  4. T

    cant see firewire device

    I know the device works.. just used it a few days ago on my pc... so all I can think of is bad port on mac or cables damaged in move to new house... will try to plug another device later today when I can find friend with camera or something and their own cable... any other avenues to chase down...
  5. T

    cant see firewire device

    i think that's the same one from their site... but I reinstalled anyway to be sure... still no dice. When I go to apps and try to launch the Motu firewire audio console, the box that says launch console when device detected is checked... ... no device detected apparently Is there a way...
  6. T

    cant see firewire device

    ok.. pram reset... that didn't do it... still doesn't show up
  7. T

    cant see firewire device

    I don't see a "command" key on keyboard for resetting the PRAM I see opt, control, and alt/apple symbol... and something that looks like a page of text with a pointer on it
  8. T

    cant see firewire device

    I have not used this firewire port on this computer before and will see if a friend has a camera or something I can test it with If the issue is there, I know all the usb ports are fine if there is a way to convert mac says firewire 400, device says firewire 1394 My understanding is that...
  9. T

    cant see firewire device

    I believe it is the original 828 It doesn't say anything else on it No, it doesn't show in either of those places... only the built in in/out I went to MOTU's website in order to download drivers. Their options confused me a bit. They all seemed to be describing updates to drivers... I...
  10. T

    exe files

    tried stuffit, and it says it doesn't appear to be compressed. These exe files are apparently the defacto delivery for these programs which are all designated as os x, so I can't help thinking there must be a simpler way than opening them in windows
  11. T

    cant see firewire device

    I have an old 828 audio interface I've been using for years on my pc. just switched to mac with dual intel macmini running os x 10.4 I went to MOTU's website and downloaded os x drivers, and installed them... but I still can't get the computer to see the device. Profile or whatever shows...
  12. T

    exe files

    I searched this topic on here, and I've read about them being windows files, etc... but also elsewhere mention of exe files being just one type of compressed file, etc... basically, I see on some of the p2p sites that ALL program files I download (not copy protected programs... not asking for...