exe files


I searched this topic on here, and I've read about them being windows files, etc... but also elsewhere mention of exe files being just one type of compressed file, etc...

basically, I see on some of the p2p sites that ALL program files I download (not copy protected programs... not asking for advice on breaking the law) that are specifically designated as mac os x files come in zipped files. when I click open, they automatically unzip and show files containing exe files. If it was the odd one out that did this, I would assume there was some mixup and I was looking at the windows version of these programs... but ALL of the dozens of files are this way.

Am I doing something wrong? Are these just exe because of the way they are zipped? Do I really need to run windows to open these? If so, how do I do installations into my mac os x applications folder?

tried stuffit, and it says it doesn't appear to be compressed.

These exe files are apparently the defacto delivery for these programs which are all designated as os x, so I can't help thinking there must be a simpler way than opening them in windows
What do you get if you try that .exe on a PC? Bet it's not really Mac software at all...

an .exe is a windows-executable file. There will be a few exceptions to that, as an .exe file might be a compressed file, which is what you might be hoping for.
Unfortunately, if the .exe is not a compressed file, then it needs Windows, and would only run on Windows.
Sounds like you are looking for love (I mean, software) in all the wrong places - :D

Here's the cheap advice:
Get your software from legitimate sources. P2P sharing is so unlikely to be legitimate, safe, or dependable.

I bet if you posted some of your specific needs here, that you would get good choices for obtaining the software from more reliable sites - or other methods that will likely get you what you need.
I'm not disagreeing in any way, but I can't help but wonder if I was doing something incorrectly? Is there a reason that literally all of the two dozen or so program files I located once unzipped appear as exe files even though they are all listed specifically as the mac os x versions of that software on limewire?
No, I don't think it's anything you did - except <sarcasm warning> believing that limewire would give you anything useful<end of sarcasm>
So that's not working:
If you get an .exe file, then you're not getting any Mac software.

The bad part is that you really don't have any way to complain about that to those sources, do you?

Again, if you can provide the sort of specific software/files that you are interested in, someone here will probably help you with a better way to download, with good sources, or at least the opinion that you should use more predictable sources.

As you can tell, I don't have anything good to say about Limewire, on either a Mac or a PC.