Search results

  1. L

    Can't Access New Support Communities

    Thanks, Giaguara...but you may have misunderstood. I can NOT access ANY of the the discussion boards since they changed to the new Apple Support Communities. I use my same Apple ID and password I've used for many years, but it won't work. It DOES still work with iTunes, and it's the same...
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    Can't Access New Support Communities

    I am unable to access the new Apple Support Communities with my current (valid) Apple ID and password. It works just fine in iTunes and in the Apple ID account management area. When I sign into the new communities I am redirected to a page that says "my Apple ID can't be created due to...
  3. L

    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    I didn't actually solve this one...but I did make it go away. I switched back to my original Google account and everything works. The settings are identical, so I don't know why both don't work...but at least my visited links now work in Safari. Thanks for all the suggestions.
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    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    Important update. I just tried something and discovered I had some incorrect information in my initial post. When I said this worked properly when using a new, clean test admin account...that was inaccurate. What I was doing was creating the account, then trying the links, which did, in fact...
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    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    More detective work... In Safari, I opened the list of cookies, then filtered on "google" and it showed 11 cookies. I tried deleting them one at a time, but even after deleting all 11 the problem was still apparent. It is definitely toggled on/off when I sign out of my primary google...
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    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    ...forgot to mention that I've also checked my Google online preferences, tried making what few changes that are possible luck. Larry
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    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    @fryke: Oh, I would never get angry about something like this :-) I just didn't want Satcomer to, though, as I had previously mentioned the things I'd done. Seriously, I just retired from 20 years in the computing industry and am very experienced in computing, both Windows and Mac, and web...
  8. L

    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    Please don't take offense...but read my original post...I've done all these things. "I've done all the typical things...repaired permissions, repaired disk, completely reset Safari to default and made sure all caches, etc. were cleaned out...both manually and with Onyx, reset associated...
  9. L

    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    Thanks, Satcomer...but as my post said I'd already cleared everything out of Safari...both manually and using Onyx. I never had an entries in Autofill because it's always been turned off since I use 1Password. Unfortunately, this is a little more complex than just emptying out the normal...
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    Safari visited links not changing color on Google search pages

    Something I've done in the past few days has caused Safari to not change color for visited links "only" on Google search pages, which is where it's most needed. This is still working fine on FireFox. I tried creating another user account and it works fine with that...just not with my primary...
  11. L

    How to remove a word from the Mac dictionary

    Hasn't got anything to do with the occurs in all both browsers I use as well as Word, Pages, TextEdit...anyplace a spell checker is use.
  12. L

    How to remove a word from the Mac dictionary

    That was one of the first things I tried. It will not let me add the correct words...instead it auto-corrects to the way it wants to spell them before I can add them and click on LEARN. I tried adding them manually with a text editor to the custom dictionary and that didn't work either. If I...
  13. L

    How to remove a word from the Mac dictionary

    Before you ask...NOT the custom doesn't contain the words I'm having trouble with. How can I remove "incorrect" words from the basic Mac Dictionary? E.g. when I type the word "internet" anywhere in an application, browser, Google, etc. it auto-corrects to "Internet"...
  14. L

    iMac can't browse MacBook Pro on the network

    Just in case someone else is having this same problem, I finally gave up and called Apple Care, and they figured it out. Somehow, something got munged in the Finder preferences. The fix was simply going to Home|Library|Preferences and deleting "" then logging off and back...
  15. L

    iMac can't browse MacBook Pro on the network

    I know there are still problems in networking with Leopard, but this is basic networking and still doesn't work. I'm an experienced computer user, own a computing business, and "thought" I was well-versed in networking (obviously not <g>). I have an iMac and a MBP on my home office...
  16. L

    Still no anniveraries in iCal

    Yes...but it's not called an anniversary, but that doesn't have a thing to do with my question. iCal displays "John Doe's Birthday" and pulls this info from the Address "birthday" field automatically. It does NOT pull the information from Address Book's "anniversary" field, though it would be...
  17. L

    Still no anniveraries in iCal

    I can't believe that after all the years of complaints that iCal won't display Address Book anniversaries (as it does for birthdays) Apple still didn't fix this in Leopard :-( If they want folks to use iCal and not something like Google Calendar, why not give iCal the features that users want...
  18. L

    iMac sees network but can't connect

    As I said in the initial post...the iMac says it's searching for an IP address that is not even close to the IP address the MBP has always had (it's never changed). Now the MBP "name" is not showing at all in Finder under Network...this is absolutely insane. "EVERYTHING" is visible on the...
  19. L

    iMac sees network but can't connect

    First of new software or hardware and everything worked fine until today. Now, my iMac sees my MacBook Pro and one Windows machine on my peer network (AirPort Extreme 802.11n) but it can only mount and browse the Windows Machine. When I try to browse the MacBook Pro I get a dialog...
  20. L

    Duplicate Login Keychains...can I delete one?

    In Keychain Access (upper left) I have two instances of "login". One is "login" and at the top of the Keychain list, the other is "Login" (note leading capital L) and further down in the list. When highlighted, both display the exact same entries on the right. From where is the other...