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  1. J errors

  2. J

    Sendmail on localhost w/ php

    So I made it through the Sendmail setup at MacDevCenter, and I got to this part: "Apple's updaters also......." The part where I am supposed to edit the crontab. I could not find that in the terminal, so I...
  3. J

    Lost connection - Ethernet and cable modem

    I am connected to a cable modem through an ethernet card. When my computer switches to sleep mode, the connection is dropped. before I installed jaguar I had to restart the computer to get the connection back, now that I am on jag, I only have to wake the computer up, to get it back. BUT, I...
  4. J

    Lost connection - Ethernet and cable modem

    I am running osx 10.2.6 on a G4 and when my computer goes into sleep, the internet connection is dropped. This never used to be a problem, until my harddrive got reformatted about 4 months ago. I thought I jaguar would fix this, but upon installing earlier this week it did not. Under 10.1.5 I...
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    desktop icons still moving.

    when I restart my computer, the harddrive icons move. before they are in the upper right corner, upon restart they get moved down a couple spots. snap to grid isn't on, but I haven't had a problem with this until my hd was reformatted.
  6. J

    desktop icons still moving.

    I know there have been a lot of posts in the past about this, but they have seemed to died off, I doubt that I am the only one still experiencing this. Anyways, I don't want to sort them by name, or kind, I just want them to stay where they are. is there a fix around for this yet? ->g4 10.2.6
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    turn mysql back on.

    I just installed 10.2 from 10.1.5, and then upgraded to 10.2.6 using the combo upgrade thing. I have replaced my httpd file to my old settings so now php and apache are back, but MySql is still not working. I checked my accounts section in the CP, looking for my mysql user, but he's not...
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    My Photoshop artwork...

    If you stick at this, take in the comments posted, and REALLY take them to heart, you will be MUCH MUCH better off. Continue to work with photoshop, like everyone has said, stay away from the filters. Work with blending layers, placement, good use of typography. Search for some tutorials, learn...
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    Dreamweaver Questions

    someone needs to answer 4, I would love for dreamweaver to not open a blank page. Same with flash......I meant fireworks does it, why can't these programs do it.
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    Dreamweaver Questions

    Answer for #1: To view the frame source of a page with frames in dreamweaver you can do one of two things. 1. go "MODIFY -> FRAMESET -> EDIT NO FRAMES CONTENT. that will take you to the actual frame page, it is ment to modify the no frames content, IE, what a user will see if their...
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    Dreamweaver Questions

    answer to #3: From the experience I have had with dreamweaver, the only way to keep your code clean is the edit it in the code view only. If you are working on something and click over to design view and change one thing, like a text edit, that is when dreamweaver will start adding lines and...
  12. J

    microsoft office really buggy

    I am having a ton of problems with MS office X. does anyone know of common problems or fixes, or patches that have been released for this stupid program. I can't even open half of the programs up. they just crash on startup. blah.
  13. J

    apache - web sharing doesn't start

    if I try to click on the button in the control panel nothing, when I open the terminal and use sudo apachectl start, i get this message: dyld: usr/sbin/httpd cona't open library: usr/lib/libiodbc.2.1.6.dylib (no such fhile or directory, errno =2)
  14. J

    is php working?

    I think the problem was that my web sharing wasn't turned on. now I can get to my user folder/files using either local host or but when I try to access my php page. all i get is this: ################ #Php Information Page # ################ <?php phpinfo(); ?> that...
  15. J

    is php working?

    I ran throw the instructions on the FAQ page on setting up php and mysql, not how do I know if they work or not? I made a php page on the desktop, basically just the php info function, and opened it in IE, but it didn't work, do the php pages have to be located some where specific, or did I just...
  16. J

    os9 won't install

    I searched around a bit, because I noticed this seems to be a common problem, for some with osx on thier computer. Well I do not have either on my computer, I have a completely black/empty hard drive. I have an os9 install disc, and a osx10.1.2 install disc (copy) I try booting from the os9...
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    NO power, BIG problem

    yup that did the trick
  18. J

    NO power, BIG problem

    i reset the logic board, by pressing a small, "snap" like button on the logic board, if you follow the link above, there is a diagram linked from the 3rd or 4th option.
  19. J

    NO power, BIG problem

    I am using a G4 tower, and last night I was trying to update my os from 10.1.2 to 10.1.3, due to a recent crash I don't have classic on my machine at the moment, during trying to isntall the update, my computer froze up, so I restarted the computer, now it won't even start up. I hit the power...
  20. J errors

    i use for 2 different accounts and one alias attached to one of those accounts. I have my auto check for email set to every 5 min, and for some reason when it trys to check for the mail I get an error that says "Fetch error, user name and password specified were not accepted by the...