Lost connection - Ethernet and cable modem


I am running osx 10.2.6 on a G4 and when my computer goes into sleep, the internet connection is dropped. This never used to be a problem, until my harddrive got reformatted about 4 months ago. I thought I jaguar would fix this, but upon installing earlier this week it did not.
Under 10.1.5 I would have to restart my computer to get my connection back, but not on jag, when the computer "wakes up" the connection is regained.

Is there a setting I need to change, or possibly a 3rd party program that will fix this?
Rather than leting it go to sleep, set the energy saver to never and let the screen saver start up after so many minutes of inactivity. You won't have that problem then.
I'm confused, jeremy. Are you saying that you lose your internet connection when the system goes to sleep, and then regain the connection simply by waking? Or you must restart after sleep, to get reconnected. Do you use Cable or DSL, or do you have a dialup connection.
I put mine to sleep every night and am running 10.2.6 on an iMac DV 400. The connection always cuts, I have DSL and then in the morning when I wake it up, if I want to read my email immediately I just go into the menu bar and click on the little <-> symbol and hit connect. If I wait awhile, trip to the WC or whatever, it will connect on its own through Mail.app.
I am connected to a cable modem through an ethernet card. When my computer switches to sleep mode, the connection is dropped. before I installed jaguar I had to restart the computer to get the connection back, now that I am on jag, I only have to wake the computer up, to get it back.
BUT, I would like it for my computer to sleep, but at the same time, not loose my connection, say if I wanted to download something HUGE, or if I was expecting an email or instant message, while doing something else.
No, can't do that. The ethernet card stops getting power when the system goes to sleep.

If you want it on to download a file, just don't put it to sleep. :p

Besides, even if the system didn't power down when it went to sleep, your programs aren't running. Their state is saved in memory, so that when you wake it up, they're restored to how they were when it went to sleep. There's no way for them to keep running when it's in sleep mode.
It would be a nice feature though, not to download something but say if I'm not home and I need to wake the computer to grab a file. This has happened to me many times.

I remember i made a script that shuts the computer down from a text message from my cell phone, my... "Damn it's storming and I left my damn computer on." The things you do when it's rainy and cold and there is nothing else to do.