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  1. Antonio Correia

    My Mac doesn't read my Iomega drive

    Well DJackmac, in fact I am already using Time Machine for automatic back-up instead of making simple and manual backups from my documents, photos, whatever. It was an unusual / unpratical procedure I have been doing with my now full Lacie Disk for long time. From now on I will use the Lacie...
  2. Antonio Correia

    My Mac doesn't read my Iomega drive

    Thank you JBarley for your tip. It was very east indeed... :) I would have lost hours looking for such a simple procedure... and get nervous :)
  3. Antonio Correia

    My Mac doesn't read my Iomega drive

    I am on a Mac OS X processor 2.8 Core 17 with 16 GB of memory at 1067 MHZ DDR3 I bought today an Iomega drive to backup my files. When I connected the external drive for the first time the Mac asked if I wanted to use it as Back up disk. I said no. I thought I could drag and drop the files...
  4. Antonio Correia

    Capture screen

    Snap Pro X has a trial version and which I have downloaded and installed. :) I read the pdf carefully and what I could get only after making a test video was mov file and not a m4v as I expected. You all do know of this more than I do. Am I missing something here ? Or do I have to use another...
  5. Antonio Correia

    Capture screen

    I am a lurk in computers... LOL I only know how to work with autoCAD, Lightroom, the classical Word and Excel and - going back to photography - very little of Photoshop. Anyway, the more I know the more I understand that there is much, much more to learn. :) I have seen Telescream 99 US$ and I...
  6. Antonio Correia

    Capture screen

    Thank you Wooden Mac. :) I will go and have a look. Later, I hope to be able to tell how is it regarding the functionality I am looking for. Meanwhile, I could remember that Zack Arias is using for his critiques exactly what I am looking for. :)
  7. Antonio Correia

    Capture screen

    I am new here and I found this forum when I was looking for a way to capture the screen of my OSx while working on Lightroom. Lightroom is a program for photography and I would like to post tutorials in Portuguese about it. My difficulty is finding a program that would allow me to show the...