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  1. P

    Airport dropping signal

    Anyone have any ideas? =/
  2. P

    Airport dropping signal

    So I've been experimenting further...when I dont let my iMac "sleep" (so the airport is never turning off) I still get connectivity. I've been just turning the display off ...not the harddrive or anything. So what this means is i'm only having airport issues when I'm just turning on the wifi...
  3. P

    Airport dropping signal

    tried doing it a while ago nothing would happen. just tried again and got this: -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 443482 Mar 20 08:44 /var/log/daily.out -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1008 Mar 1 20:01 /var/log/monthly.out -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 12292 Mar 20 08:48 /var/log/weekly.out
  4. P

    Airport dropping signal

    So here's somethign to throw into the mix...still having same issues. However, I used Bootcamp to run PC...when I'm on my Imac on the PC Side..I have no connection issues what so ever. So it definitely seems to be a Mac software issue right?
  5. P

    Airport dropping signal

    sorry not familiar with what you do I pull up a terminal? Anyone else have any other suggestions? Would love to finally be able to use my mac after 1.5 years ><
  6. P

    Airport dropping signal

    It was hard to follow exactly what steps you were reccomended but I removed some files and used istumbler and a few other suggestions. No luck yet...anyone have any other advice?
  7. P

    Airport dropping signal

    So, I have had an iMac for a little over a year now. Since day one I have had many problems with my airport dropping my wireless connection. I will start the computer up for the day and it will have 2 bars with no internet. I will turn it off and then back on and it will work for maybe...
  8. P

    Airport Issues

    This does not work for me - I create a new custom location and make sure the Airport is at the top of the list and it just wont find any connection. Any more suggestions?
  9. P

    Airport Issues

    Anyone have any other suggestions? Would love to start using my mac OS soon. =(
  10. P

    Airport Issues

    Neither of those 2 files even exist =(. anything else?
  11. P

    Airport Issues

    I have upgraded my Airport Software - didn't think I would need to touch the hardware considering it works fine on the PC Side. The router should have no bearing on this but it is a brand-new and updated one.
  12. P

    Airport Issues

    So, I have had this Imac for about a year now. Having the same problem since I've had it and am about fed-up with it. I am using Mac OS X Leopard with all the upgraded software updates. My wireless internet CONSTANTLY fades in and out. The airport signal goes from full bars to 1 and I lose...