Airport Issues


So, I have had this Imac for about a year now. Having the same problem since I've had it and am about fed-up with it.

I am using Mac OS X Leopard with all the upgraded software updates. My wireless internet CONSTANTLY fades in and out. The airport signal goes from full bars to 1 and I lose internet connectivity. This ALWAYS happens. And it continues to go in and out for hours; extremely annoying as your could imagine.

Before you recommend troubleshooting techniques, know this: I have upgraded Airport to the latest version, I have troubleshot my router. Here are the kickers, I am running boot camp and on the PC side, I NEVER HAVE THESE ISSUES. Furthermore, my roommate who has a mac and a PC was able to receive signals at the same location my IMAC is in.

Any help would be great because, as of now, I can't use my Mac OS which is a bummer.

Thanks in advance.
Before you recommend troubleshooting techniques, know this: I have upgraded Airport to the latest version, I have troubleshot my router.
What router would that be? Is it an Airport Express/Extreme or Time Capsule? Or some other brand of router?

When you say, "I have upgraded Airport to the latest version," are you referencing an Airport router (hardware), or the Airport software in Mac OS X (software)?
I have upgraded my Airport Software - didn't think I would need to touch the hardware considering it works fine on the PC Side. The router should have no bearing on this but it is a brand-new and updated one.
O.K. Let's have you try an old tried and true procedure that is found on this page.

The best is resetting the Airport card by shutting it off, navigating to the folder /System/Library/Extensions/ and move the files "AppleAirport2.kext" & "AppleAirportFW.kext" to the desktop. Then you MUST RESTART for OS X to rebuild these two files. Upon the reboot turn you Airport card back on and re-join your wireless network. See if this helps and if it doesn't just move those files back into their original locations.

Good Luck.
The router should have no bearing on this but it is a brand-new and updated one.

Famous last words..I still would definitely not rule out the router until you try the machine on another network to see if it connects. Otherwise, try creating another user account to see if there is a difference. No dice there trying a safe boot and although while safe booting you won't be able to try it, just restart normally afterward and test again.
O.K. Let's have you try an old tried and true procedure that is found on this page.

The best is resetting the Airport card by shutting it off, navigating to the folder /System/Library/Extensions/ and move the files "AppleAirport2.kext" & "AppleAirportFW.kext" to the desktop. Then you MUST RESTART for OS X to rebuild these two files. Upon the reboot turn you Airport card back on and re-join your wireless network. See if this helps and if it doesn't just move those files back into their original locations.

Good Luck.

Neither of those 2 files even exist =(. anything else?
Ok. Turn off Airport and then go to System Preferences->Network and at the top of the pane use the "Location pull-down to select a new custom named location, then hit the "apply" button. Then back in the left had column make sure the Airport is at the top of the interface list and then turn Airport back on.

Does this work for you?
Ok. Turn off Airport and then go to System Preferences->Network and at the top of the pane use the "Location pull-down to select a new custom named location, then hit the "apply" button. Then back in the left had column make sure the Airport is at the top of the interface list and then turn Airport back on.

Does this work for you?

This does not work for me - I create a new custom location and make sure the Airport is at the top of the list and it just wont find any connection.

Any more suggestions?
Try the steps at this OS X Daily Blog to see if any of the steps help. I heard a lot of people have had success by delete the files (like + anything related to it in your Mac) in the folder /Your HardDrive/Users/YourUserName/library/Preferences/.

One last thing to try is to Reset Your PRAM.