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  1. S

    Unable to SSH from OSX 10.3.8 into Linux Fedora Core2

    I am having the same issue, but with logging into FreeBSD boxen that do not have reverse dns set up. While I can go ahead and set up reverse or populate my hosts file, I am not going to always have that option. Is there a way to change the behavior of the client? In ssh_config, there is...
  2. S

    new to OS X...not unix

    Are all the libs and commands easily compiled in OS X or do you have to have some programming/debugging skills to get things working? I have come across things on the web that people have issues with, so I was thinking that since apple is reinventing the wheel that things may not work as...
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    new to OS X...not unix

    Is that just for gui administration?
  4. S

    new to OS X...not unix

    hello fellow geeks- I have just got my first powerbook running mac osx and I am totally happy. This is very cool...Actually I am at a loss of words, which is unusual for me. The feeling of using the well thought-out OS when coming from windoze is super. I am a unix admin with most time...
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    G4 Ti-book with dead white LCD

    It is a VICTORY!! I have done fixed the display problem, and installed new hinges. To fix the display problem, I put in a new video data cable. It was a little overwelming at first when I opened the computer up, but has a free http manual that shows you what do as good as a...
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    G4 Ti-book with dead white LCD

    Actually, I stand to save about $250 doing the hinge repair myself if i am comparing the numbers from the The fancy thing about ebay is that they have the best deals. I can currently get a pair of oem hinges(the updated ones), for about $125, shipped. That means I also do...
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    G4 Ti-book with dead white LCD

    I do plan on fixing the a matter of fact, that goes without saying. You certainly do not seem to optimistic about the repair of the laptop. I was under the impression that is was part of your realm. I may have been wrong in that assumption. I am not about to pay someone $350 to...
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    G4 Ti-book with dead white LCD

    well, I wish I would have seen your post before I went ahead and opened the case of my powerbook. I ended up ruining the LCD cable and now I have to try to find another before I can try to do what you have suggested. As far as any differences in the screen without the video cable plugged...
  9. S

    G4 Ti-book with dead white LCD

    hello- I have a Ti G4 powerbook(dvi) that will not display to the screen, besides a screen full of white. The machine boots up, but only shows to the external display. I just got this computer like this(first mac, too!)....broken, so you will understand this next comment. When the computer...