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  1. B

    Confused about thumbnail previews

    My guess having watched the thumbnails generate on a slow machine, the OS processes the whole file. Large files are slower to display. If you left the window open overnight, perhaps it would finally display one. All of this is conjecture from my observations. Also, the OS cannot create an...
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    Confused about thumbnail previews

    No Apple app creates thumbnail previews. You can enable icon previews in the View Options (View>Show View Options...). There is a checkbox for "Show icon preview." It will take a while to generate the previews initially (especially if there are a large number of them), but should work fine...
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    Internet Sharing on at boot

    Try this hint: Worked for me in Jaguar. I tried it in Panther to confirm it still works, but didn't use it regularly in Panther. Jim
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    iTunes lacks a key feature.

    Here is an Applescript. No frills. No guarantees. Open Script editor and paste it into the new "Untitled" window. Save it as a script in your Library/Scripts folder if you have the script menu activated, or save as an application anywhere you'd like. When it runs, choose an output option...
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    OSX freezing at boot waiting for NIS

    If it finally boots up, open the Directory Access app in the Utilities folder and configure the NIS service. To edit the file, type sudo pico /etc/hostconfig It will ask for a password. Enter you admin password. You are now editing the file as a superuser. Jim
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    I lose airport internet sharing after a restart

    Go here and follow instructions. Read through the whole thread to get some pointers. One person mistakenly points out that you should use /System/Library/StartupItems but this is not correct. Just make a /Library/StartupItems folder...
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    I got SMB printing to work!!!

    I was readin this thread at home, so I didn't get a chance to check out BSDimwit's smb format which I had not seen before. I had been using the smb://workgroup;username:password@server/printer and that did not work. Thanks to this post and putting the workgroup after the @, I am up and...
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    I got SMB printing to work!!!

    While I can't confirm this, I don't think you can get the SAMBA print option without installing gimp-print. You can get to the Advanced options, but they don't include SAMBA printing. I have a laptop I installed gimp-print on and an iMac that I have not. No SAMBA option on the iMac, but it's...