I lose airport internet sharing after a restart


I recently upgraded from 9.x to OS X 10.2.5.

I can "share my internet connection with airport-equiped computers" but I can't find a way to to make the "sharing" start automatically when I reboot. It worked in 9.x!

Everytime I reboot it loses the connection and I have to push "start" again. Am I stuck with this or is there a work around?


(Clarification: I do not have an airport base station, I'm having my desktop wirelessly share it's internet connection to other computers in the house via it's airport.)
Go here http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=200210280525440 and follow instructions. Read through the whole thread to get some pointers. One person mistakenly points out that you should use /System/Library/StartupItems but this is not correct. Just make a /Library/StartupItems folder if you don't have one. There is also a last post that talks about it not working after an update to Jag, but mine works fine without it. There is also a Knowledgebase article about setting the mtu setting on startup, which may help clarify what the above hint does.

Excellent! I'll have to try this out this weekend.


Am I wrong, or shouldn't this be simpler? Like a checkbox that says "remember after restart"?