
  1. jeb1138

    Horrid Safari Scroll Bug

    Has anybody else with a scroll mouse experienced this? Go to a page that is long enough to scroll (like this one probably), go to the middle of the page and scroll up while physically moving the mouse forward. It will scroll down very fast! You have to scroll relatively quickly and move...
  2. P

    Table height="100%" (Safari bug?)

    Anyone notice anything wrong with the way Safari renders tables? When the height of a table is set to 100%, it seems to stretch out cells that it shouldn't be stretching... http://pedestrian.homeunix.com/~brian There's my mock-up site (which could go down at any minute)... It looks right...
  3. pds

    safari bug or site glitch?

    ok, so I'm toolin around, tryin out Safari, nice. I don't get here often, but wanted to see what the ekspurts thought about it. So I hit the ol' search button, ticked in safari and got a raft of threads. I clicked on a likely, and got the "who are you" page. I logged in and found out how to...
  4. C

    Safari: Can someone hit the bug button for me ?

    I installed and tried Safari... it seemed nice. So I organized my favorites and quit. Now it refuses to launch, it bouces a couple of times then it "Inexpectedly quits" on me. I tried deleting the preferences (and other related files) and re-installing, no change. I can't launch Safari...
  5. Untitled

    Yikes! Calculator bug?

    I am a computer science student and, well, frankly this bothers me... Open up Mac OS X's calculator do: 168740 - 19.95 to get 168720 Now get a normal calculator and find the problem (hint: answer is 168720.05) If you do this in Mac OS X's calculator's advanced mode, it works out fine...
  6. MoNkeY mAgIc

    Very odd single user from login screen bug

    I have a very strange problem with OSX. It's running on my Imac (flat panel) latest version blah blah. It was all working swimmingly until a couple of days ago. I have a mutli user setup where users click on their pic and type in their password. All fairly standard and it was all working...
  7. evildan

    IE Font Formatting Bug?

    I have had this issue a few times... Let's see if I'm the only one in the world. When creating an HTML page, I've noticed that paragraphed text doesn't always wrap correctly. There is no code or object that is making the text break the way it does... in fact, this issue only happens...
  8. I

    iChat BUG! HELP!

    I have this really weird bug in iChat. One day, I logged in and tryed to send an IM to one of my friends. But it wouldn't let me type in the text box! It just kept making my alert sound, "PING! PING! PING!" So, I quit and restarted my computer (867 Quicksilver G4 Tower running 10.2.2 w/ 384...
  9. S

    Flash MX Bug IN OSX.2

    This is a call to arms for Flash MX and MAC OSX users! For those of you who use Flash MX on either a PC or still use Flash 5 on an older MAC OS, you might not be aware that there is a 3 second lag every time you select a frame, object, window, etc.. Over a work day you can spend upwards of...
  10. N

    another iCal bug..

    When iCal is set as a login item and told to hide after startup, it doesn't. well the dock icon gets greyed out, but the iCal window doesn't go away.:confused:
  11. profx

    interesting finder desktop bug...

    when you shift icons off to the left of the screen all the icons on the right slowly get moved off the screen unill you can only just see them. It is impossible to set an icon half off screen on the left side of the desktop. It also seems that some icons get locked in place and become...
  12. PowermacG4_450

    great. another Jaguar bug!? !

    after installing jag, Im putting cd's (that I burned using toast) in my drive, and jag (finder) is saying it cant read them! The cd's are blank! I know their not! Now what????
  13. gumse

    Interesting Finder bug

    Take a file (or folder), lets try folder "test". Duplicate it, then we have "test" and "test copy". Put "test" in the trash. Create a new folder , rename it to "test". Try putting it in the trash. You get "The operation cannot be completed because an item with the name "test" already...
  14. pbmac

    Jaguar Bug - Apple says still unresolved - can't read burned CD under Windows

    I have had problems using my OSX 10.2 burned CDs under Windows. I was able to see the folder structure, but Windows wasn't able to open the folders or read the CD's files. I called Apple Care and received word from them that this is a current issue that is being worked on. MAC OS X 10.2...
  15. P

    iChat bug? Added buddies ALWAYS offline

    Hi, I've just purchased Jaguar and all is great except for this problem I'm having with iChat. I add my buddies from my Address Book by dragging vcards (AIM account info inputted) to iChat buddy list. The problem is they're always offline for some reason, when I know for sure they are online...
  16. Trip

    IE in 10.2 bug!

    Can somebody help me with this, has it happened to anybody else: I'm running Internet Explorer 5.2.1 (4717) under Mac OS X.2 (Dev. GM) and every once in a while (more often than I'd expect) I get this little bug that will pop-up and mess up some text in the browser. I've attached an image of...
  17. profx

    login password bug

    i just found that when you login either at the terminal or at the main login window it dosent matter what you enter in the password field so long as it starts with your actual password. eg user profx pass *****122345jhlkjhlkhl where the * is the actual password. It seems that it only...
  18. xaqintosh

    Funny bug in mail.app

    look at this: ;) :p :)
  19. R

    ar bug in MacOS X?

    Hi, I'm trying to compile ffmpeg on my MacOS X system in order to endoce some MPEG4 material. Configuring is no problem. Making has some problems. Under 10.1.5, I've got the following output: (ffmpeg version 0.4.5) make -C libavcodec all rm -f libavcodec.a ar rcs libavcodec.a common.o...
  20. Oscar Castillo

    IE bug rendering pages

    I've noticed that within Internet Explorer many webpages from Apple's own site do not display correctly. Anyone else experice this with IE 5.1 or 5.2? I've noticed it with both.