clean install

  1. theCaptain

    Huge 10.1 Performance gains with clean install?

    First off, I have been running 10.1 since saturday and I have deffinatly noticed significant performance gains from 10.0.4 on my iMac DV+ 400. My question is this, will a clean install erase all of my OS 9.2.1 stuff and all my OS X applications if they are all on one partition? Can I perform a...
  2. J

    Clean Install and setting up swap...

    First of all I have the new iBook Fire Wire with 384 ram, 500 mhz, combo drive, 10GB HD. Say I want to do a clean install, and I have the OS9 and OS 10.0.3 install disk, along with the update CD's for 9.2.1 and 10.1. I am going to want to use disk utility on the 10.0.3 installer to format...
  3. L

    Clean install available in the 10.1 update CD??????

    I haven't got the CD yet :( But I saw somewhere on the net someone said there is a clean install option in the update CD. Of course you still can't do anything with the installer if there's no previous OS X installed. Anyone who has the CD please confirm this. Thanks