
  1. cfleck

    finder question

    So there is that little "action" button in finder, right? I think its called an action buttion. I can't remember. I'm talking about the one that looks like a little gear. Anyway, is there a way to add functions to that? Like can I write an applescript or something and have it show up there?
  2. R

    Finder hangs when accessing G5 superdrive

    For the most part, this new G5 works great. But it's very frustrating when the Finder hangs when I just try to open up a CD or DVD. Also, I've had problems with the eject key not actually ejecting a disc for a long period of time (the system displays the eject icon in the middle of the screen...
  3. G

    Path Finder

    Path Finder CocoaTech Apple should just quit developing the Finder, buy these guys out and make this part of Tiger. Fast file preview, can scale the fonts smaller than 10pt to fit more information in the window, quick file preview..great feature for large photo...
  4. alexandr

    finder ftp wont show kbps..

    at the moment i'm using Finder as an ftp-client, to hook me up to a friends ftp-server. whenever i'm downloading something, i get the usual "copy"-window in Finder, telling me what i'm copying, how much of total, and time left, but i would like to know the speed.. is there any preferences i...
  5. A

    impossible to have path as finder window title?

    Hello, MacOSX forums! Sometimes I would like to have the full path of the current directory as the title of the finder windows. I've searched the web, this forum, the forums at Apples site, and other forums. All I've found is this thread:
  6. A


    Normally, when I insert a DVD/CD into the DVD/CD tray, that CD shows up on the left side of the finder window after I name it. i can then drag files into the DVD and once they are on the dvd, I can click the "nuclear" symbol and burn it. For some reason, I cant see the CD nor the "burn" symbol...
  7. I

    ctrl + finder

    Hi since some days i get some problems : when i ctrl click on the desktop (to make the sub menu appear) it relaunch the finder... Any ideas ???
  8. W

    finder to mimick windows' list view

    I've set the icon size to 16x16 and have the label position to the right of the icon. Is it possible to have the "column" spacing increased so that full file name shows up? i.e to go from: This is a to this: This is a long filename I want to get rid of the dots...
  9. Clivey

    Panther - Finder caching/NTP error?

    Greetings all - hope there's some nuggets put there for me - I'm approaching the end of the road on this one. (2x 10.3.6 Servers and 25x 10.3.6 Clients) I have a situation where a client will copy a file from the server, work on it and then copy it back... normal stuff. However, (randomly it...
  10. C

    File duplication error in Finder

    Hi everyone, I have a little problem with file duplication. Here's an example how the error, which really bugs me, occurs: I have two files: "foo.index" and "foo.dict". When I duplicate these files while logged to an admin account, I get "foo copy.index" and "foo copy.dict" files. When...
  11. T

    Slow finder browsing of picture folders

    I recently returned to the mac after 10 years away in the land of evil. One thing im not happy with currently is when im browsing picture folders in the finder (OSX, Powerbook G4) the preview icons appear VERY slowly and my CPU usage goes through the roof. On Windows machines its almost...
  12. cfleck

    tiger - finder

    so i'm guessing there are no interesing updates to finder for the tiger release. is that correct? i've been fiddling with path finder lately and its growing on me. so now i'm wondering if apple is going to "upgrade" their finder at all.
  13. M

    Definitely weird OSX Finder experience copy/replace

    I will try to keep this short. OSX 10.3.4 & working fine & reliable and stable. DL a copy fn CopyPaste-X 2.5 final today. I had an original 2.0 F and a beta 2.5b4 which had been running week or more with no problems. Quit the CP2.5b4, opened dmg CP2.5, dragged to my app F (to REPLACE the...
  14. R

    Alternate Finder

    I am wondering if there are any realy good alternate 10.3 Finders out there. I know there used to be but haven't messed around with ahy in quite a while. If there are, what are they? AND do you use them?
  15. D

    Finder window viewing/customization

    Hi I like my Finder windows to open in list mode sorted by Kind. Is there someway to get this to happen and then to actually organize the order of the list of items/meta-data for a Finder window? Thank you. David
  16. N

    Copy DVD disk from Finder?

    I have some DVD's that I created in iDVD (Non commercial, non copywrighted), that I would like to duplicate. Can I just copy them over to a DVD-R? (I have a superdrive obviously). If so will they be playable with meuns etc in a DVD player? If not, then what is the best way to do this. I...
  17. W

    No Services available in Finder?

    Today, I noticed that when I select Services from the Application menu in Finder, there are no Services listed -- as in, no sub-menu appears showing the list of Services, available for use or not. (The Services sub-menu appears as expected in other apps like Mail and Safari.) I could have...
  18. M

    Finder Not Working

    I just upgraded to Panther and now my Finder will not run. When I restart the computer, the little triangle appears under Finder when the Dock first pops up, but then it disappears and I can't start Finder after that. Anyone else encounter this problem? Needless to say, this is VERY annoying...
  19. M

    Help--major Finder Bug?

    Sometime since going to 10.3.6, the following very bad problem has occurred semi-frequently. File/folder names will change on their own For example, from: to: I know that such a name is typical of an app that...
  20. cfleck

    finder and audiobooks

    so i just notice this today and was wondering if anyone else has this issue. i have bought a couple of audiobooks from the itms and if i navigate through finder to where they are, the finder window closes. its sort of like if you were to navigate to a song and single click the song so the...