
  1. Perseus

    meta tags, google and yahoo

    I am trying to get my page to show up in google and yahoo searches, and have used meta content, meta description etc....and my site never shows up anywhere...what are the best tricks to getting yoursel fhigh on the list?
  2. karavite

    Google Desktop vs. Spotlight

    Anyone heard about Google Desktop? I heard a radio interview about this and they completely ignored the fact that Apple is working on Spotlight and even that Mac Finder search has been, IMO, superior for years and years to Explorer on Windows. Any way...
  3. L

    G-Mail from Google

    Hello All Is this legit or an April Fools Joke?? Tech TV is doing an article tonight at 5 or so . LarryD
  4. F

    how to configure builton google in safari to diff country?

    Hi, I've always had my home set in IE or Netsc as but the built in google on Safari is set as and I can't find a way of changing it to my country...?
  5. toast

    Google not working ?

    "There is no website configured at this address." Tried and
  6. M

    off topic: Microsoft to buy google?

    Just saw this on New York Times' website ( "Microsoft and Google: Partners or Rivals?" "Wall Street is not the only one wooing Google. Microsoft is as well."
  7. Perseus

    Grrrr.........M$ to buy Google?

    Why does this irritate me so much? "Sullivan believes Microsoft might seek to buy Google rather than try to play catch-up. Neither Microsoft nor Google have expressed any public interest in a marriage. " From: Would...
  8. D

    Funniest google trick EVER!!

    Go to (you cant do i out of Safari), and type in "weapons of mass destruction" (in quotes) and hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button. Also, try it with "French Military victories"
  9. Orbit

    Safari and Google

    How do u make it so when i type something into google it doesent bring up a list of things i have searched for with the starting letter? or is there a way to clear it? ;)
  10. toast

    Good Google Groups reader ?

    Hello, I've just discovered a great Google discussion group ( Can someone indicate me a good newsgroup reader that will check new posts ? Please, a *simple* client. I trashed Halime the first second, it's incomprehensible.
  11. Sirtovin

    M$ Wants to buy Google No Jokes...

    Microsoft Says to Take Aim at Google Wed April 2, 2003 04:01 PM ET PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) Source: - Microsoft Corp. MSFT.O , the world's No. 1 software maker, on Wednesday said it is taking aim at privately...
  12. TommyWillB

    Scary Google Privacy Problem

    Just the other day I said to a coworker "The reason I love Google is because it does EVERYTHING". ... Well today someone just pointed out something Google does that I find quite scary. They have implemented a combination reverse directory and searchable white pages. Type your full phone...
  13. Da_iMac_Daddy

    Google groups...

    Is there any applications that will allow me to read these through these groups? The way Google has it set up is impossible to deal with.
  14. vanguard

    Fun with google

    Friends, Ok, it's not related to apple but I thought your guys would enjoy this. If you go to and search on "go to hell" it takes you to this url: (if you don't...
  15. Da_iMac_Daddy

    Mac Google....

    Mac Google I like it .....
  16. W

    Google & Dilbert

    There's a dumb Dilber cartoon on Google's main page. If it's not there by the time you read it, I've attached the comic I saw.
  17. homer

    Google vs Teoma death-match

    Okay, Teoma has been out for a while now. What are you impressions about it? I've used it a few times, but I've found Google to be better every time. Anybody have any different experiences?
  18. rharder

    Google SOAP API's: Who will be the first?

    The excellent web searching site has just opened its gates to accesing its 2 billion documents via SOAP calls. Check out for details. Who will be the first to come up with a cool AppleScript or AS/Studio snippet using it? -Rob
  19. beef

    IE5.1: search Google from Address bar If you use to search web (and if you use IE), this might be pretty useful. Note: The instruction says BBEdit will do fine, but I used emacs. I dunno how the file shows up in BBEdit, but in vi and emacs, the file shows up...