
  1. B

    Mouse slow after plugging something in keyboard hub..

    when I plug a device, for example my digital camera into my pro keyboard the mouse pointer gets slow and I have to open mouse prefs to get it going again... WHY ?
  2. A

    Kernel Panic with Belkin USB Pocket Hub?

    I have an iMac DV SE 400, 384 MB RAM, running MacOS 10.1.2. Pro Keyboard, Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse, Maxtor 40GB Firewire Drive, QPS CD-RW Firewire Drive, Belkin USB Pocket Hub with HP 960Cse printer, Palm Connect USB/Palm 5 Cradle, Canon Canoscan and an Iomega Zip 250 connected to Hub. I...
  3. ScottW

    WOW! Apple Rulez... They Are The Digital HUB!

    Okay... For the first time... I actually was running OS X when I went to load pictures from my Coolpix 990 digital camera. I plugged it in, image capture loads and asks me what I want to do, copies them all into automatically and will even do some post processing. I realize most of you...
  4. MasonMcD

    Airport card with 3rd party wireless hub (NetBlaster)

    I have a PBG4 with an airport card, which I got to replace a HP Omnibook. For the Omnibook, I bought a NetBlaster II wireless card and hub. As Airport is 802.11b, the card sees the Netblaster hub, and gives me signal strength. But the rub is that Airport can't be used concurrently with PPPoE...
  5. T

    Connecting two macs simultaneously to Internet via CableModem & an Ethernet hub.

    I have this situation now: I recently got a small Ethernet hub (6 ports) to make a small network at home. I have right now a Titanium (MacOSX.1), a 8600/300 (MacOS 9.1) and a PeeCee (Win98), and I want them all to get connected to the Internet simultaneously. Right now, I have a Cable...
  6. Z

    USB hub problems

    Ok I had picked up some no-name USB hub thinking these things were all plug and play... (maybe my mistake, it was ~$20 off of what I've found is that only my Canon BJC-3000 (unsupported in OS X) is seen thru the hub. My Canon digital camera is not accessible via Image Capture...
  7. G

    USB Hub and Mac OS X

    This is slightly off topic, however, I am in the market to purchase a USB hub to hook up a few peripherals and want to make sure the one I purchase will work with Mac OS X. Do all USB Hubs work with Mac OS X, or are there some that work better than others?