install os

  1. filmfoto

    Install OS X Server on top of OS X?

    Greetings, Is it possible to install Mac OS X Server 10.1 over an existing Mac OS X installation? My installation has many different open source projects installed and I'd hate to do a total reinstall of all of them. My company decided it needs an easier controlled and more "secure" web...
  2. K

    Cannot Install OS X 10.1 on HD

    Hi Folks! I have a Blue and White G3 and have attempted to replace the old 12gb hard drive with a new Western Digital 80gb model. There is already a 4gb SCSI drive which has been running 10.1 just fine. The old 12gb drive is in the Zip Drive slot. Installation of the drive goes well enough...
  3. D

    Do i really have to install os 9 first?

    I formatted my hd today, and clean installed os 10.1. I made up a 1.3 gb partition for os 9.2.1 which I haven't installed yet but want to do so tonite. But now i read that i'd have to install os 9 BEFORE os x to get classic apps to work. is that right? if yes, y is it that way? the os x...
  4. M

    cannot install os x because it cannot find os 9.1

    Hi All, Any help would be very appreciated. I have been trying to install Mac os X to my ibook SE 466, 320 MB, 20GB, basically the top model. I bougth Mac OS X installation box which mac os 9.1 is included. I did install this 9.1 onto my ibook. Finished up every needed installation/setup...
  5. T

    Can't install OS X on a G4 400

    I want to install OS X on my G4 I have two partitions 28 GB and 2 GB. on the 2 GB partition I installed a fresh OS 9.1 but the OS X installer doesn't recognize it I've heard that there were problems with older macs and that OS X must be installed on the first 8 GB of the disc kind regards
  6. M

    Install OS X = Panic Error on G3 Rev.1 (Beige)

    I have a Rev Beige G3 and I cannot install OS X (final). My Beige G3 has two modifications: 1. I took out the IDE CD-ROM and dropped in a 24X apple SCSI CD. I did this so that I could have two IDE hard drives, which I have. 2. Upgraded from 266Mhz to 466Mhz. When I try to instal OS...
  7. ksv

    How to install OS X without booting from CD

    Here's how to install Mac OS X GM without to boot from the CD if you already have an earlier version (very important): 1. Startup running OS X (beta) 2. From the go menu select Applications and open the utilities folder. 3. Drag the OSInstall.mpkg file from Mac OS X Install...
  8. V

    Can't install OS X Beta 1 on OS 9.1

    With new Digital Audio G4 PowerMac, it supports only OS 9.1. When I tried to install OS X Beta 1, it just crashes when booting up the installation cd. Anyone knows around this problem? I read OS X Beta 1 isn't compatible with OS 9.1. Thanks in advanced.
  9. D

    How to install OS X Server on pre-G3 Mac

    Does anyone know of a post or a Web page that describes how to set up OS X Server on a pre-G3 Mac?
  10. M

    Can't Install OS X, Suggestions?

    I'm trying to install OS X on my Powermac 7500. I know it's an unsupported install, but I'm still trying. I have had previous versions of OS X running before. My problem is that lately I changed my CD drive to a CD-RW. This causes the OS X cd to not boot. I have no other SCSI cd-rom drives to...
  11. F

    iBook newbie seeks installation advice...Should I install OS X?

    Hello All, I am a very newbie mac user. I have not purchased my future computer yet, but I am in the process of shopping one. I think I have settled on the iBook DV. I am very computer literate. I have been a wintel user for 15 or so years, and a unix/linux user for 5 years. I have used...