
  1. B

    OS X truncates my Linux server

    I work in an office with a few Macs on OS 9. My Mac is on OS X. We have a Linux based server, which the OS 9 Macs use to share files. However, when I share files through that server, my files are unrecognizable to the other Macs, and vice versa. Also whenever I look at the files in my server...
  2. R

    Panther vs Linux

    I have been a Mac user for more than 10 years. I use Mac and window$ at the office. I spend 90% of my time on Mac (I find windows clumsy). I have not upgarded to Panther yet but saw it recently in a store. I liked the way you can have many windows open and then hit F9 to shrink everything in an...
  3. WeeZer51402

    BitTorrent on Linux

    I've tried to make several BT clients work through wine and i have been unsucessful everytime, does anybody know of a windows BT cleint that will work with wine or even better yet a linux BT client?
  4. WeeZer51402

    Linux Question - IDE Bus Speed

    Hi everyone im running FedoraCore 2 Test and at boot i get a message that reads something like this" Assuming 33Mhz Bus, to overide idebus=xx" where do i specify the ide bus, my drive an controller both operate at 133Mhz, I thought i had to specify it in /etc/grub.conf but thats not working.
  5. phatsharpie

    Linux now surpasses Mac OS in terms of market-share... Apparently Linux now surpasses Mac OS in terms of market-share. I don't think this means anything major really, and since OS X is basically a *NIX variant, I think it's a good thing. But it is still interesting. -B
  6. M

    Linux Moves In On The Desktop

    Linux desktop to pass Apple What the heck. I have been reading sun selling thousands of sun java desktop lately and have been kind of concern. What is apple going to do about this. I'd rather work with mac or linux anyday. Is it a...
  7. WeeZer51402

    Video Editing On Linux

    Does anybody know of any good apps to edit digital video on linux? - mike
  8. octane

    OS X to snuggle up to Linux?

    This has been on my OS X 10.4 wish list for a while. Only a rumo[u]r at this stage, but certainly a highly strategic avenue for Apple to pursue. Article from Mac OS Rumors:
  9. Androo

    Running Linux on your Mac

    how would one do this? i am curious about linux, and i wanna give it a try.... not redhat, it reminds me of windows too much, but maybe that connectiva one, it looks a bit like os x :p Is there an emulator, an OS installment, or could i just run it thru unix?
  10. octane

    Yellow Dog Linux CD's

    I spent the best part of yesterday downloading the Yellow Dog Linux ISO's from their site. I've checked the images against the md5 checksum file and they're all fine. I've burnt ISO cd images 1 & 2 fine, but ISO cd image 3 simply will not burn under any circumstance. I've tried burning...
  11. uoba

    OS X app privileges across SMB Linux share

    Hello I've set-up a Linux box as the main file and web server for our work. The SMB share works great (OS X has no problems connecting and sharing these Linux partitions... the same can't be said for the XP machine trying to share the SMB, but that's another story). However, one irritation...
  12. pwharff

    Mounting iLife DVD with SuSE Linux?!?!?

    I want to store the iLife packages on my SuSE Linux machine, but when I go to mount the DVD, it tells me it cannot figure out the filesystem and I don't know what filesystem this iLife DVD uses. I'm at work now or I would use my Mac to check the iLife DVD filesystem using Disk Utility. Can...
  13. octane

    Linux on my iBook?

    I'm curious about Linux and I'd like to get it running on my iBook. I've been looking at Gentoo [if you know a better one, let me know!] The problem is -- although there's instructions on how to re-partition the hard disk on my iBook in a nondestructive way [I don't want to have to wipe it...
  14. monktus

    Novell throws cash into Linux legal battle

    Novell is starting a programme to protect Linux from the evils of SCO:
  15. The Memory Hole

    DVD Jon cracks iTunes to play on Linux

    The story is here. Thoughts, opinions, comments?
  16. H

    smb networking from linux server

    We use a multi-user database program at our office, and are licensed for several concurrent users. We recently had to move the data file to a new server, one based in linux. We access the server through a smb address, but once we moved the data file to the new server, only one person can access...
  17. I

    Can't access files from within linux, permissions problem on OS X?

    I've got my mac set up with one partition for OS X and one for Gentoo. I access my OS X partition from within gentoo by using mount hfsplus /mnt/mac /dev/hda11 (i think it's eleven, whatever it is..) Anyway, once mounted I am able to see the directories of my OS X partition, but there is...
  18. S

    Linux on OS X

    Hi all I have been using mandrake linux on PC for a while and I love it!! Now, I am thinking is Linux on G4 powerbook is woth having; Few questions: So, YDL or mandrake?. With the demise of Red hat, I am not sure how YDL will go.For Mandy PPC , I guess the development is not as fast as for...
  19. H

    Another printing to Linux shared printer question

    Here is what I am going to do. I currently have a windows xp box set-up running an ftp server to do my Retrospect backups to. This machine is also sharing an Epson Stylus Photo 785 EPX printer. I am running Panther and have set up this printer using Windows Printing and then choosing the...
  20. O

    Yellow Dog Linux 2.3

    Hello All, In my great switch I've inherited an almost useless old Performa 6400. Considering its limitations and my unwillinness to scrounge around on Ebay for software I thought this would make a great box to try Linux out on my Power PC. I know that it works and finally got it installed...