macbook pro

  1. icemanjc

    MacBook Pro won't boot.

    My dads MacBook Pro started acting weird first the screen would freeze up and the cursor could still move but there would be about an inch wide black line that would follow on top of the cursor wherever you moved it. We thought it was a software problem so we booted it up off an external drive...
  2. H

    MacBook Pro: Selecting and installing cheaper RAM

    Hello everyone. I waited and my prayers were answered, so now I can go buy a new Macbook Pro and Macbook for my wife. I have heard that buying RAM from Apple is not recommended as it is crazy expensive. I have also heard that a brand of RAM called "Crucial" is highly recommended. Does...
  3. alra111

    What is this "LED" screen in the new Macbook Pro?

    What is the "LED screen" option they mentioned in the new Macbook Pro introduced today? Are these as bright as LCD displays? I know one of the upsides is extended battery life...what are the downsides, if any? Thanks, Alra111
  4. S

    Macbook Pro 15" - Which to choose?

    The wife has promised me a new Macbook Pro 15" for Valentine's Day (I'm a good husband). I don't understand the $500 difference between the 2.4 Ghz and 2.2 Ghz models. The website lists a 40 Gb difference in HD sizes, and double the vram. This can't be worth an additional $500. Thanks for...
  5. S

    MACBOOK PRO DISPLAY: high resolution = text way too small!

    I just got a MacBook Pro with a 15.4" screen. The display's resolution is very high, but this means everything on the screen is tiny and I have some eye problems. I've tried a lower resolution but this makes things bigger but less sharp. I've tried the universal access zoom option, but this...
  6. B

    Macbook Pro Express card/34

    I can't get an external hard drive to connect to an eSATA express card/34.
  7. J

    Macbook Pro Slow/Over heating/other issues..

    I have a PB 15" 2.16ghz with 2 gigs of ram. I run Aperture on my machine and always seem to have issues. I originally had 3 gigs of ram installed then apple said that was not a good idea and could be the cause of a lot of my problems. so i went down to 2 1gig chips. I also roll with at least...
  8. W

    3 Ghz MacBook Pro

    Anyone have any idea about when a 3Ghz MBP might be available?
  9. J

    How to Clean MacBook Pro Mouse Button?

    I accidentaly spilled a small amount of orange juice on my track pad. Just a tiny bit and it dripped into the main mouse button. Now each time I click the button I get an annoying stick out of it on just one side. It doesn't interfere with the operation of it, but just makes a really weird and...
  10. T

    Reason for MacBook Pro frozen thumb bar??

    Apple just repaired my 1yr-old MacBook Pro, without explanation. The thumb bar had become increasingly hard to press, and finally was frozen in the down position. Couldn't even use an external mouse as the thumb bar over-road it. I'm happy with the repair and very curious whether others have...
  11. M

    old macbook or shinny New Macbook Pro??

    I bought a Macbook 1.1, last October: Intel Core Duo, 2GB Ram - its a great machine but I'm really, really tempted by the latest Macbook Pro's - love the new screens. Now if I got a macbook pro, 2.4 GHz, 4GB ram + 7200rpm harddrive would I notice quite a leap in speed ???? Basically I'm...
  12. A

    MacBook Pro screen

    This may seem a silly question, but does anyone know how to check if a MacBook Pro has the new LCD screen?
  13. E

    powermac to macbook pro refurb

    Hi all, I am looking at moving over from the desktop world to the laptop world, and instead of upgrading my G5 to a mac pro I am thinking that the macbook pro is a better option, the spec of these laptops looks really good. I was looking at the macbook pro 2.4 15 inch model, and would like...
  14. Chic0

    Which MacBook Pro hard drive dilemma?

    Hi I have searched the forum but cannot find any threads reagrding this. I am looking at replacing my Powerbook and buying a MacBook Pro 15". Looking at the hard drive options on Apple site, I can either go for the 160gb 7200rpm drive or the 200gb 4200rpm drive. I would prefer to have...
  15. D

    MacBook Pro Bulge Problem

    Apple returned my MBP today and there seems to be a bulge just above the latch. I am aware that others have had this problem too. My question: Does anyone here have it? And have you decided to get Apple to fix it? Or is it trivial for you? Thanks for any impressions. Photos are at...
  16. D

    How much time on MacBook Pro unplugged

    I am getting about 2 hours on my MacBook Pro using Airport running on the battery with the Conservation option set in Energy Savings. Is this normal? How much time are you getting? P.S. Can we do a poll?
  17. A

    MacBook Pro freezes when plugging back in...

    I hope this hasn't been asked before, I just kind of skimmed through the search... My fiancé recently bought a 17' MacBook Pro (arrived less than a month ago). He loves OSX, but has had problems with Apple support in the past, so he's been worried about this purchase, being as it's a fairly...
  18. L

    Macbook Pro Ram

    HEy guys got a question, i dont have my instruction manual with me and i want to order some ram from work.... I got an old macbook pro, the 1.83ghz version that was first released, i have noticed on the apple site that the new 2ghz> macbooks can have up to 3gb ram... how much can the...
  19. D

    MacBook Pro fan bearing

    I've got an extremely noisy fan in my MacBook Pro. It's pretty obvious the bearing has gone. Replacement is the simple solution I hear you say. BUT, I have to hand over the computer for a turnaround perion of up to ten days (quoted). Apple won't allow any service centre to order the part unless...
  20. B

    Macbook Pro DVD Drive - Stopped working!

    Macbook Pro, OSX 10.4.9, 2.16GHz, 2GB RAM. Drive: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-857 I have what I think might be a serious problem, so I'm really hoping somebody can give me some good advice! My DVD drive, a couple of days ago, suddenly stopped working - no warning signs, nothing that I was doing was...