
  1. S

    moving iTunes music to external harddrive

    What's the best way to move all your iTunes music to an external harddrive, without losing Ratings, Playlists, Playcount, etc... ?
  2. H2OSX

    British running music

    Hey, does neone know what that song is in all those old british comedy films that they play when they are running around? Thnks a bunch :)
  3. A

    How to script a shared itunes music track

    I am trying to have an applescript that will play the first track of a shared itunes playlist. But when I run the script I get the error message : "iTunes got an error: Can't make some data into the expected type." tell application "iTunes" set sound volume to 50 play shared track "Music"...
  4. Convert

    Music Folder keeps changing it's icon.

    A minute ago, it had a MSN Messenger 'Away' Status icon as it's icon. Now, it has a warning sign as it's icon. I've repaired permissions.
  5. B

    SDA Music Smartphone and OS X

    Hello everyone, I recently bought an SDA Music Smartphone from T-Mobile, which runs Windows Mobile 2003. The phone has a built-in MP3 player which I'd like to try out. If I understand correctly, I have to use the ActiveSync software that came with it to copy my MP3's from my computer to...
  6. H2OSX

    Getting your music on iTunes

    Hey, I heard once that small bands could get their music on iTunes, and I was wondering if anyone knew how do go about this - thnxs
  7. Convert

    iPod Shuffle Advert music... what song is it?

    I am trying to find out! Anyone know? Thanks!
  8. RGrphc2

    iPod Ad Music

    Whats the songs used in the iPod ads? Not Vertigo by U2 of course, but the other ones, i have that iPod Shuffle Song stuck in my head and wouldnt mind downloading it from iTunes if it has it or get the CD its on.
  9. Browni

    changing the name of your itunes music libary in the itunes sorce plane

    Ive just noticed that the name of my itunes library is either '_' or blank. how do i change this?
  10. Convert

    Can I charge and transfer music to an iPod?

    I JUST GOT MY iPOD PHOTO! Anyhow, it is charging, via the dock. How long is it that I have to leave it... 5 hours? Can I upload music while I am doing so? I understand I can charge the iPod off my Powerbook, is this safe? Thanks!
  11. Ceroc Addict

    What's legal when listening to your own music?

    Someone recently told me that it was illegal to rip my own CDs. i.e. Take a CD that I've bought and transfer the music to my computer/iPod. To what extent is this true? What can I and can't I do with music I've purchased? Kap
  12. I

    Spread the Music

    Is it possible to not only play music from one airport express but to two or more at the same time? I have two express stations each hooked up to different stereos, and I would like to play music from both at the same time. Is this not possible? Also, is it possible to play music from your...
  13. G

    Music Lib from PC to Mac

    I've ordered an 14" iBook G4. I'm currently using an HP laptop running XP with SP2. I would like to move my music library from the HP to the iBook. There was a time I did not have to move the library; all I did was choose to see the hidden folders on the iPod and copied them onto the laptop and...
  14. Browni

    How to get your music on the ITMS

    How do you get your music on the itms? i thought saw a 'artists' signup thing a wile back. am i right? if not is there any other way i can get tracks to be downloaded on a pay basis Adam
  15. lilbandit

    iTunes music store open in Ireland

    That's it really..happy days!!!!
  16. ScottW

    Music Subscription Services

    Today in the news Napster & Yahoo! pointed out that people would much rather pay $180 per year for unlimited music to fill their ipods than purchase 10,000 songs for $10,000. Although, at first blush, the idea of downloading ANYTHING you want legally, kinda like the old Napster (only it wasn't...
  17. M

    cheaper music from itunes

    Go to Amazon Add 5 - $15 gift cards to basket enter code: ITUNES544DEC the fifth card will be free. happy holidays!
  18. shatfield1529

    Restoring/updating music backups

    Alright, here's my situation; About four months ago, I backed up my 20 GB-ish music library from my iBook to an external Firewire HD that my parents use. Since then, I haven't done anything with the Firewire HD, so its contents are practically a snapshot of my music library as it was back...
  19. R

    Padlocked folder and invisible music on external drive

    Hi there. History: My previous mac was backed up to a LaCie external drive. The mac died a horrible death (don't ask) and I now have a G5 running 10.3.6. Attaching the drive to the new mac is fine, and it shows up on the desktop. However, navigating to /users/rob shows: - the /users/rob...
  20. W

    Ipod music not storing to the right hard disk

    I currently have all of my Ipod music stored on an external hard disk attached to my network through the Linksys Network Storage Link. My current music shows up fine through Itunes but when I go to import new CDs it still puts the music in my Itunes music folder on my Powerbook. I have my...