
  1. S

    Print to pdf with letterhead

    Hi there, this can be a tough one, and I can't find a solution for it. I want to print letterhead. And when I print letterhead, I want to save the letterhead as pdf. We have a really high graphic letterhead. Currently we are having to print (physically) using a printer and then having to...
  2. S

    Print to pdf with letterhead

    Hi there, this can be a tough one, and I can't find a solution for it. I want to print letterhead. And when I print letterhead, I want to save the letterhead as pdf. We have a really high graphic letterhead. Currently we are having to print (physically) using a printer and then having to...
  3. T

    PDF problem on dual G5

    I bought a dual 2Ghz G5 in january and since I first got it I've had problems reading PDF files in browsers. The browsers use quicktime to display the PDF and so only the first page appears with no controls available. I even have Acrobat Professional which alerts me whenever I launch it that the...
  4. E

    pdf newbee: probl "save as" pdf

    Hello, I made a poster to present some research results the other day in PowerPoint. The company where I print the poster only have PCs and they want the document in pdf-format. I have Adobe Acrobat 6, Distiller and PDF-printer in the PrintCenter. I use OSX 10.3.5, iMac 17”. Office X, all...
  5. S

    can a word .doc file be exported as pdf

    does a pdf writer/printer needed?
  6. M

    Illustrator Multi-page PDF Export

    Probably an easy question, but I don't know the answer, so I'll ask it here :). I have been working on a design for a small robot in Illustrator CS, and it has recently grown to be larger than one page. I enlarged the page size and set up tiling in page setup to compensate, and it prints fine...
  7. wicky

    InDesign PDF export - Colour settings??

    I am trying to export a 2 colour pdf via InDesign CS, but I am unsure what the settings should be. It's a simple letterhead with the text as a Pantone spot colour, and a duotone background image. Nothing too fancy. Obviously, I am working in CMYK, but when I export it seems to be exporting...
  8. Randman

    PDF problems

    Am having trouble (I think) with a pdf file I created in Adobe Acrobat (6.0.2). I have some of my design clips saved as .jpgs. I created a pdf file with them and in Acrobat, everything looks fine. When I'm done and saved and open the file in Preview, the photos turn negative, only a couple of...
  9. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    I have enjoyed saving as PDF for quite some time on Panther, but recently I noticed that both the "Preview" and "Save As PDF..." buttons were greyed out. When I check the "Save as File" option in the "Output Options" menu of the scroll down print menu, it only allows me to save in PostScript...
  10. fernando.alonso

    "Print to PDF" look alike software for OSX..?

    Anybody knows a software that could convert "vectorWorks/AutoCad" documents to a pdf file..? I need such a thing for a printer, to get a 130MB Vector works documents been ploted... thanks,
  11. mkwan

    converting pdf file to word text document

    are there any software out there that can convert a pdf file to a word document? or better yet, edit a pdf file? thanks
  12. B

    Help file for app... using a PDF?

    Well, I made a really nice PDF document as a manual for my new program. However, the basic help system in Cocoa seems to just support HTML files for Apple's Help Viewer. Now, what I did was run as NSTask for the "open" command pointed to the help document in my app's main bundle. Is this...
  13. Racer D

    pdf from multiple images?

    I'd like to create a pdf from a few jpg images (one image = one page). Is there some freeware I could use to do this? I tried CombinePDF but it makes kinda big files (3mb pdf from 600kb of images). any others?
  14. S

    Illustrator 10 & Multi page PDF creation

    I can't seem to creat a milti page PDF from Illustrator 10 in OSX 10.3. I've tried using the save as PDF option and Acrobat 6 Distiller and I still only get on page - the other pages are just missing. I've installed the Illustrator 10.0.3 update and still no joy. Any suggestions?
  15. F

    Pdf from print is allright for pc?

    Hi alluguys..! I've encoutered some problem giving pc guys pdf i created with the "save as pdf" function inside the print menù. is there some particular issue i shoud be aware of? something like the minimum version required (of acrobat reader) on the pc side....or other stuff.. Thanx...
  16. D

    How to join single-page pdf files

    Hello! Is there a way or utility that can join single-page pdfs (from a scanning project) into a multi-page pdf document? Thanks for any tips. P.S. Yes I know this is a FAQ but I did not find any threads in two searches.
  17. J

    pdf printing resolution problem (adobe reader)

    hi, i create a test document in TextEdit using Times, Helvetica, and Futura. i print this over USB to my brother HL1440, looks great, 600dpi. now i print to pdf and open in Preview, print again, looks fine, 600dpi. now i open the pdf in reader 6.0, print, and it looks bad: like maybe...
  18. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    Does some1 know a way to have screen sgots saved in other format than PDF ? Third party softwares does not satisfy me so I'm looking for a way to change it in the system. I tried with Snapz Pro X, works fine but does not really want to pay 50$ for a screen shot :s. There was also this...
  19. chevy

    Generating a good PDF on Mac OS-X [UPDATE]

    This topic has already been addressed here, but I would like to see if any good (better) solutions are available. Preview PDF quality is poor (images are too rough and the file size is too large). There is Acrobat (the Original). Anything new here ?
  20. J

    Quark 6 - Export as PDF Problem

    I have Quark for OS X and it's supposed to have everything needed to export as PDF. When I do so, I get the following message... To save layout as a PDF, the current printer must be a LaserWriter version 7.0 or greater. What's that all about? Thought PDF export was supposed to be...