
  1. X

    Open Ports in OSX?

    I ran a port scan on my box and there are 3 open ports. The open ports are: 111 - sunrpc port 949 950 I know that port 111 is used as a printer port, but I have no clue what ports 949 and 950 are for. I did try to telnet to them and It says: Trying
  2. strobe

    DISASTER! TrollTech ports Qt to OS X

    Worse than XTools using Aqua title bars, worse than the Aqua L&F plugin for Swing, TrollTech has ported Qt to OS X so now Qt apps, which are not mac apps, appear as mac apps. Now it would be another thing entirely if Qt apps running on OS X did not use an Aqua facade. However this is not the...
  3. sfish

    Stealth Vs Closed Ports

    I've downloaded BrickHouse 1.0.2. After locking down everything coming in and then going to the "Sharing" System Pref panel and closing down everything that might allow outside access, I still don't seem to have a completely stealthed set of ports. When using NetBarrier under Mac OS 9, I...
  4. I

    Will modem and printer ports work with Mac OS X?

    I have a G3 266 with 224 MB of ram, I don't have USB or fire wire ports, all is a printer and modem port. Is there any way I can use my printer and modem in Mac Os X, with the two ports?
  5. A

    Intel Ports of OS X

    Gidday, working with NT and Novell daily - and Solaris a bit, I know where my bread is buttered (thanks Bill) - but that doesnt mean I dont hate him, Im a Macman from my first days of enlightment (of course the TRS-80 rates a historic mention, but ...) but man! how kewl (read : easy and...
  6. M


    I've been busy compiling my favorite unix apps and I'm wondering if there is a ports effort going on anywhere. I think most users are going to want binaries all packaged up for them.