
  1. N

    Re-Routing Panther ~ Shortcuts to JagWire stuff..?!

    Hey people! Umm, installed Panther B85, and am loving it! However right now, i am still not comfortable that something crazy could go wrong, so i am using it day after day, but in expectation of something going wrong. During that time tho, i am wanting to redirect my "home / ~ " contents to...
  2. B

    Disabling keyboard shortcuts while in a game?

    When I'm playing Quake 3, I like to use the q, shift and command keys for some of my binds. only thing is every once in awhile I'll hit these 3 together... causing me to log out :( i was just curious if theres a way to temporaily disable this while im in the game? any help would be great! thanks.
  3. JetwingX

    A Website That Has Keyboard Shortcuts For Everything Apple?

    Is there a web site out there that has keyboard shortcut cheat sheets for major programs (the MX apps, Office v.x, Apple os, FC Pro) because if there was i would sure find that useful!!!
  4. Randman

    know the shortcuts Would be funnier if it updated with the differences with Jaguar's shortcuts. I still get caught up times on some.
  5. B

    broken internet shortcuts?

    after changing my IE shortcuts so they'd open in Camino, i noticed that instead of going to the site, the file's address is "file:///localhost..etc" and then actually 'downloads' itself into an IE shortcut on the desktop. opening this in IE, i get ANOTHER localfile that has the body of...
  6. D

    Apple has shortcuts to the G5 page up!!!!!

    This doesn't work from the homepage. What you need to do is type in a fictional apple product (I used when you get the "not found" page, type "G5" (without the quotation marks) into the search box. You'll have no searches found, But you WILL have a shortcut found, and it...
  7. Jason

    Changing a shortcuts path?

    How can i change the path of a shortcut? Reason I want to ask is i want to create a shortcut to my /Volumes folder, right now im doing a work around by putting shortcuts to my hd in a folder, but i would like to have that updated with whatever cd i put in, or whatnot... any help? thanks :)
  8. G

    Keyboard shortcuts inactive

    Has anyone every noticed how the critical keyboard shortcuts such as space for free-browse or option for zoom in/out in programs like Freehand, Photoshop, or Fireworks stop working after a while? I have tracked it down to be related to my computer going to sleep and when it wakes up the...
  9. N

    Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari ...?

    What kinda of Shortcut keys can we use, to enhance our browsing?! On Chimera, i used to ahve it setup via Prefs, so that if i hit Command and clicked a link, it'd open in a new tab, but the current tab would remain active, and the clicked link, would load in the Tab, inactive ... Are there...
  10. W

    [HOWTO] Finder & Safari keyboard shortcuts

    command + click the window title in the finder, show a menu of a list of folders up the heirarchy try this too... command + option + 8 (its activated) command + option + = command +option + - command + option + 8 (its deactivated) this... command + Option + Control + 8 (toggle) this is...
  11. Gwailo

    Desktop shortcuts: how do they work

    I'm curious, I opened up the terminal and noticed that my folder shortcuts are files and not directories (symlnks), which is no great surprise. What did surprise me was that cat "DevTools" returned nothing... So this is a file with no content? Does it have to do with the resource/data fork...
  12. holmBrew

    Photoshop 7 And Illustrator 10 losing some shortcuts

    I am having a problem with some important keyboard shortcuts in PS7 and AI10. For some reason, and I have not been able to track down the cause, both PS7 and AI10 lose the CTRL-OPT-CMD-Space related keyboard shortcuts. The only thing that brings them back is Restarting! Has anyone else had...
  13. J

    Using function keys as "shortcuts"?

    I would like to be able to use (say) F5 key instead of Apple-H .... is this possible somehow??
  14. C

    Keyboard shortcuts for monitor controls?

    As I reached blindly for my volume down/up control keys on my apple pro keyboard the other day, I accidentally hit the f15 key, which raised the monitor's contrast a level. On screen a display very much akin to the volume indicator popup, but for contrast appeared. f14 and f15 seem to raise...
  15. B

    Startup Shortcuts

    Hi, with time i've beeen learning new startup shortcuts in mac os, like starting up holding "c" starts up from the cd, holding "shift" starts up with no extensions... and some more. Recently (in a wild guess) i found out that starting up holding "x" makes the computer start up using Mac OS X...
  16. M

    Menu shortcuts

    After upgrading to Mac OS X 10.1 options like "Open date and time", " Open displays", "Network preferences" and "dock preferences" in the Apple menu or from the menu bar icons no longer work. They were fine in 10.0.4. Creating a new user solves the problem so it must be related to the original...
  17. mr_mac_x

    Clone Sys Pref Shortcuts!

    You know that little bar at the top of the System Preferences window? You know how you can only have one icon for a pane (for example, you can only have one link to the Network pane)? Well, now you can have more. I found out yesterday that you can drag the little 'poofs' that you see when you...
  18. P

    OS X keyboard shortcuts

    Hi all, I have been using osx for 2 days and I really like it. now I am having a problem hope you experts can help me - how do I define(configure/customize/whatever) keyboard shortcuts? for example I want to make the Fn key (with option/ctrl/apple) on top to launch my apps. I tried for...
  19. W

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    I've been trying to find a way to change the shortcuts from the keyboard. It's INSANE that Apple has changed the cmd-N from New Folder to New Finder Window. This shortcut has been w/ Mac OS since....well since the beginning. Beyond the sacrilege, it's damned annoying. Is there any way...