
  1. C

    problems waking from Sleep - HELP!

    The other day, for the first time ever in 3+ years, I had a message when my iMac (old style, 500MHz, slot loading) tried to wake from Sleep. I got this black box on the screen in different languages that said "You must Restart your computer. Hold down the power button..." I didn't think...
  2. Veljo

    Wake from sleep can't eject

    Some of the time when I wake up my iMac (probably like 4th time or in a day) the Eject key won't work. I have to log off, then the Eject will work. Then when I log back in it's fine again. Any ideas?
  3. B

    12" AlBook draining battery in sleep

    My wife's 12" AlBook seems to be draining its battery when asleep. It'll go to sleep with a full charge and next morning will have powered itself down, needing to be plugged in in order to start up. This seems to be a new phenomenon. It seems to be since I last ran Software Update - which...
  4. T

    mail synchronizing and sleep mode...

    Hi, I am hoping to find an answer to an issue which is quite minor, but apparantly has no solution. I have a Power Book G4 667Mhz with OSX 10.1.5. I am using .Mac for the first time (the trial version) and I like the mail application how it notifies you with a red marker on the dock icon of the...
  5. J

    losing my internet connection after putting to sleep

    I'm losing my internet connection everytime I put my system to sleep and have to restart to get it going again. I've got G4 tower, and running 10.2.8 with a cable modem. Anyone have this problem or maybe have any ideas? Thx in advance!
  6. ScottW

    Powerbook 17" batter life & sleep time

    Anyone know these two? Sleep time based on full charge.
  7. D

    Panther - Sleep of Death!

    Ever since I downloaded that last security update I've been having a problem with my machine when it goes to sleep. IT NEVER WAKES UP! Well, actually it just freezes when I put it to sleep. Screen doesn't turn off. Mouse disappears, keyboard is non-responsive, and screen is frozen...
  8. M

    g4 can't sleep

    My dual 1gz mirror door g4, won't go all the way to sleep after installing a 2nd hard drive. When I put it to sleep before it would shut all the way off. Since installing the 2nd drive, it shuts off, but the fans still run. Is there somthing I can do to make everything turn off during sleep...
  9. O

    USB disk doesn't mount after sleep

    The story: I had my USB 1.1 HardDisk (20 Gb) mounted in my desktop. My iBook is gone to sleep. After this I can't mount my USB HardDisk: MacOsX can't recognize this Disk INITIALIZE IGNORE I lost all my Disk's file? Utility disk see the HD but isn't able to mout. Please help...
  10. J

    Reconnecting to network after waking from sleep

    Hello All. I performed a clean install of 10.3 on my iBook. I love it. I have a wireless router. I seem to remember a setting in 10.2 that caused the iBook to reconnect to the last wireless network after waking from sleep. For the life of me I cant find that setting any more. I have to go to...
  11. J

    Reconnecting to Airport after sleep

    Hello All. I performed a clean install of 10.3 on my iBook. I love it. I have a wireless router. I seem to remember a setting in 10.2 that caused the iBook to reconnect to the last wireless network after waking from sleep. For the life of me I cant find that setting any more. I have to...
  12. M

    Sleep Light

    You know when you put your computer to sleep, there is a blue light that is on in the back. Well I just noticed, when i put my computer to sleep a few minutes ago, that it kind of blinks really slowly, but the light doesn't go off. Do you know what I mean. I don't know if that is supposed to...
  13. L

    To sleep or not?

    Back in the day, I used to have problems with sleeping my dp G4, up until 10.2.6. It regularly but unpredictably used to go into a coma and I would have to force restart, so I stopped sleeping it and shut down every evening. With 10.2.6 things got much better, and I noticed that it only...
  14. D

    Big Cat won't sleep

    Panther No Sleep The 10.3 install over 10.2.6 was relatively painless but has left me with some problems. Many, such as Safari instability, have been noted elsewere. I've seen a number of references to sleep issues, but none quite like mine. Your suggestions are welcome. My iBook will not...
  15. S

    iBook battery draining during sleep.

    A couple weeks ago I had to reinstall my OS because there was a bad kernel somewhere. Now my battery continues to drain when it is sleep. Is there anything I can do to fix this short of buying a new battery? Thanks, Skepticlove my system: iBook, 12", 384 MB, 900Mhz, running OS 10.2.8
  16. P

    Why slooooow sleep on powerbook G4 1ghz/10.2.8?

    For the past few weeks, my powerbook has taken about 10-15 seconds to go to sleep once I've selected sleep mode. It seems to have coincided with my upgrade to 10.2.8, but I'm not 100% sure. I've reparied permissions, zapped everything that can be zapped and still the proplem persists. Any...
  17. S

    Panther=No deep sleep?

    Every build of Panther so far doesn't allow my machine to enter deep sleep. It just shuts off the monitor and spins down the disk. The fans still run. Does anyone else have this problem? My machine is a Dual 800, 1.12 gig ram, Panther 7B53. Thanks!
  18. J

    iMac won't sleep

    My 600MHz iMac seems to have turned into an insomniac. I have the screen saver set to turn on after 15 minutes and the sleep timer in Energy Saver set to go to sleep after 25 minutes. The screen saver kicks in but the computer doesn't go to sleep. The screen does go blank, even though I don't...
  19. Paul C

    ibook going to sleep

    When ever I close my ibook it goes to sleep, I was to stop it from doing this so that I can attach a monitor, keyboard and mouse and leave it powered up but closed. Can this be done? :(
  20. U

    Display sleep, awakens unexpectantly

    Has anyone else experienced this? Lately my system has started waking from display sleep, and it crashed last night. i have no usb connection but my mouse and keyboard and no firewire connections. I did have a flash file open in Safari. And i just rebooted the system after that crash last night...