10.1.3 now avalable via software update

Yeah, video definitely seems to be odd. I run 1152x870, and it set it back to 1024x768. No problem after resetting it. But when I log in, it shows the default background with the login screen as I guess 800x600, and the rest plain blue. Bad. Never saw that before 10.1.3. But otherwise, I see no difference. My video problem that has always been present is still here. Display Properties loses my monitor settings on reboot, and will only go to 800x600. Takes playing around to get it back. One way is to reboot into OS 9, then back into X. The other is to have a non-bootable CD in the drive and hold down 'c' when restarting. More often than not that does the trick.
:mad: still no support for my freaking Sony Spressa USB CD-R. Very annoying.

However, system preferences seems to open up much more quickly now.
system prefs does open much more quickly. and guess what everybody. there is a whole new set of the extra language support updates sitting right behind 10.1.3 when you run software update again:rolleyes:

the nicest improvement i have seen so far is that the mouse for the graphire2 tablet now works like it should. Hooray, now i can switch back and forth when my hand gets ired of one position or the other.:D
sys prefs opens faster? yes, but it did that since 10.1.0 whenever you redid the 'optimizing' thing (prelinking). so NO 10.1.3 does NOT boot sysprefs faster than 10.1.

but ie window resizing/scrolling is definitely faster.
Sysprefs open in half a bounce here, regardless if they have been opened before or not. This is faster than before, if you ask me.

And I am running update_prebinding every night, so it can't be that...
Originally posted by dlookus
Lexar USB compact flash reader still doesn't work. dang.:(

Hey! dlookus! What USB reader do you have? I bought a Pretect dual USB reader for compact flash and smart media. It didn´t work in OS X so I wrote an e-mail to them.
I was disapointed because I had no answer...
But yesterday night, I know something strange was happening... my e-mail was taking too long to download -and I never receive big mails through that account- and suddenly.... There were there!! The people at Pretec sent me the drivers by mail!!!! I also think they wrote them just for me :p because the release date is the same day I wrote the mail
Well, now the USB reader works fine in OS X. And that´s the end of the story!
If you want, I could send you the drivers by mail, just for you to try.
When I click and hold (or option-click) the Finder Dock icon it now displays "Application Not Responding" instead of "No Windows" like it used to (ala simX's avatar). Can anyone else confirm? I used to like to have that little tag on my screenshots I would post on other forums. This sucks!!

Well, that's really my only gripe ;).
When I click and hold (or option-click) the Finder Dock icon it now displays "Application Not Responding" instead of "No Windows" like it used to (ala simX's avatar).

I had this problem before, but it just went away after a while.:confused:
I didn't notice any difference myself...
But I had already done things to my Mac that makes it seem much faster before I did the update - so maybe that's why I didn't notice?

It might just be my imagination - but I can swear installing Duality and setting my "theme" to Silverfox has sped up the interface overall. It seems that the white horizontal bars and transparancy eats up a bit of speed.
Originally posted by cybergoober
When I click and hold (or option-click) the Finder Dock icon it now displays "Application Not Responding" instead of "No Windows" like it used to (ala simX's avatar). Can anyone else confirm? I used to like to have that little tag on my screenshots I would post on other forums. This sucks!!

Well, that's really my only gripe ;).

It works fine for me...
And you meant control-click, right? Option-click switched to that app and hid the rest! I didn't know that one! Cool! :)
Yeah, I meant control-click.

[EDIT]OK, now for some reason it's working again. I had logged out, force quit the Finder and it was still displaying Application Not Responding. Now for no apparent reason it says No Windows again. Sweet.
Originally posted by dsnyder
The Active Directory login authentication is intriguing. Anyone know how to make it work?

I'd like to know too. I'm mucking around in NetInfo and Directory Services to see if there's anything of use.
Originally posted by ddma
well... i just found that after install Mac OS X 10.1.3, it changed my colour to Thousands... that's why all the things was faster!!!! oh... no... now... using Millions again and feel just like the same...:(
Ha! I bet they thought we would not notice!

I think I'll keep mine in 1,000's for a while since it is faster... If Adobe ever bothers to get us PhotoShop, then I'll worry about putting it back to millions...
Nothing in that respect seems faster/different to me. Maybe it's because I have a G4 867 with a fast video card?
well, i want to take back what i said about system prefs being faster. the next day it was back to normal and has remained that way. very odd. and while i was never one to complain about window resizing ( ithought that was as picky of a complaint as i have ever heard), it does seem to be improved with this update. I am going to try my dvd player a little later to check that. i will be bummed if that doesn't work. I have 2 dvd's i bought last summer that i still haven't watched:p