10.2.4 have to re-enter server config


why is it every time i install the latest version of os x i always have to sort out the web server via the httpd file? is there a way round this or am i doing something wrong?
Good news is there http.applesaved.
I concur, a merge would be nice, but I guess better safe than sorry.
Aha, just found the .applesaved file :)

NOTE: the new httpd.conf file contains rendezvous mods. If you don't use rendezvous I guess their not needed!

Do the following to get ya old settings back...

cd /etc/httpd/
sudo rm httpd.conf (or rename it)
sudo mv httpd.conf.applesaved httpd.conf

Tada! Restart apache! Done!

Note: The applesaved file might be .applesaved2 or .applesaved3 depending on the amount of system updates undergone.
You are brave!
I wasnt sure if the new httpd.conf had additional info I might need with the 10.2.4 update so I merged by hand.
It did not appear that anything had changed.
The new httpd file, does have some differences actually. However they are not important unless you use Rendezvous.