10.5.7 issues


Greetings! I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...

Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...

Anyone had similar experiences??

Anyone have any suggestions?

Maybe 10.5.7 wiped out your bluetooth preferences. The update is so new its hard to tell what weird side effects are going to come from it. I would just try to run bluetooth setup assistant to try and reconfigure the mouse/keyboard. Other wise wait a little while and see if its becoming an issue with others besides yourself. If I wasn't a tech I would personally wait a week after release to run the latest software updates. But since I am a tech I will usually do them right away to possibly detect a strange issue on my own equipment first, so I will know right away how to help a customer.
Works fine on all computers I've tried it so far. Have you tried updating using the combo updater instead of software update? If not, try. Just write over it.
It's as if my Bluetooth module is unrecognized. Any Bluetooth software I try to run gives the following error message:


Okay, embedding the image doesn't seem to work. Here is the link:

http://gallery.me.com/rafagon#100234/bluetooth error

The only change to my system was the upgrade to 10.5.7.

Still no luck :(

Works fine on all computers I've tried it so far. Have you tried updating using the combo updater instead of software update? If not, try. Just write over it.

Combo updater did the trick!! I can now use my wireless Mac keyboard instead of my wired Microsoft keyboard...!!
Did you first Reset Your PRAM to see if it helps you find the included BlueTooth? Plus try to reinstall the 10.5.7 combo update again to see if also will help.

Bro you are the bomb. When the first person suggested to try the Combo Update, I was skeptical. But you were the second person to suggest trying the Combo Update and I went ahead and tried it. It worked beautifully!! I wonder why selecting the Software Update from the Apple menu didn't work?

Point is I'm back to using my wireless Mac keyboard and not my USB wired Microsoft keyboard and I'm happy.

Glad it worked. It's always the first thing to try if an OS update doesn't seem to work as advertised.
I updated two mac books pros with the combo update both with wireless apple keyboards. One worked fine, but the other keeps losing the bluetooth connection to the keyboard. Sometimes it will reconnect when you press any key, but most times it has to be manually reconnected. I have not yet figured out how to fix the problem.

(I have to update the postscript to 10.5.7)