160 gig hard drive seen as a32 gig one?!



i have just bought a 160 gig samsung hd but when i plug it in, firstly it wouldnt mount, then when i finally got it to mount it was seen as a 32 gig drive...i read another post on here talking about 133, but can someone explain to me how to do all this stuff in very simple terms as i'm not a computer expert.

i have a 733 g4 quicksilver running panther

will one of these help, or is my mac already 133

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2772384191&category=39968c already 133?
Well, first of all, you wouldn't want that card unless you were going to put it in a Windows machine. It doesn't list Mac OS X as a compatible OS, so buying that would be a waste!

Your computer has ATA/66 as referenced here:


That should be fine -- I don't think you'd see much of a boost by adding a PCI ATA card (and if you really do want one, go to http://www.sonnettech.com and check out the Tempo ATA/133 card).

First, we need to check the jumpers on the drive -- is the drive jumpered as Master, Slave, or Cable Select? You can check this by removing the drive from the computer and looking at the jumper settings which should be printed on the top of the drive.

Also, some computers can't support drives over 137GB -- but if the drive was over 137GB, they would format out to 137GB instead of the advertised capacity.

Check the jumpers on the drive and see if that helps. Also, when you use Disk Utility to format the drive, if you wanna wipe it clean, click on the hard drive itself (not the volume displayed hierarchially below it) and then select the "Partition" tab. Choose 1 partition, format, and see if that works.
i tryed the things u said

the pin thing was set in slave mode i took it completly and now it has given me 127.86 gig this was after i did the disk utility wotsit


i have a bigger drive now but still lost 30 gig of it : (

---any other ideas? what info do u need to find out if my mac will only see 128 max size?
127GB is all you will see on your machine unless you add the ATA 133Mhz card to the machine and connect that drive to it.
Yes, bobw's right... a controller card will allow you to use the full capacity of the drive, but I'll say again -- do NOT purchase the one you saw on eBay. It may work with your Mac, but it probably will not, and if experience serves any purpose, you may have some true difficulty in getting a refund.

I would highly recommend this card:


Not only will you be able to use the full capacity of the drive, I think you'd see a marked improvement in speed of the drive itself.

Good luck!
The card listed on ebay states PC and not Macs, also it requires a driver for a PC, so I doubt it will work on a Mac.
thanks u guys......looking in system profiler it says my ram is 133 is that relavent at all?...............