1st-Generation iPods and software updates


Hello all: I have two first-generation iPods, and both are wonderful machines, which are serving us well. My question: Is there anything about the units themselves that would render them unable to run on the updates Apple has been posting? There is now way that Jobs and Co. should expect buyers with perfect units to upgrade just for the new software. These things are only 1.5 years old, and in tests I have done, sound better than 2nd gen units.


Your Lordship
It's a situation, but the highest version of the iPod software the 1st- and 2nd-generation iPods can go is 1.3. To use 2.X, you need a 3rd-generation or better iPod. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

I'm not sure why exactly, but I doubt Apple would do something like this unless there were a really good technical reason, like an incompatibility in the firmware or something. They wouldn't just do it to try to squeeze your wallet dry.
It's all in the innards of the unit. Just like a PowerMac. There are some units that can not be upgraded past OS 8, some not past OS 9.1. The updates take advantage of specific hardware.

And like all companies, they want you to buy the newest, fastest, top of the line equipment.

If your iPods are working smoothly, they way you like it, don't fret. Just enjoy the music and by the time you are ready for a new unit, it will be a fifth generation that is even better !
that the iPod updates would not work on the 1st Gen units ... never fret over mere chips and plastic and metal. (I was angry about our Performa, but my Pismo and Quicksilver have more than made up for that freak of Apple ... )
