2 questions


I have two similar questions to ask:

1. Recently I wanted to print out a few pictures but when I went to print from both iphoto and preview, I couldn't find an option on either as to what size I wanted the picture to be on the page. I remember my old pc had a program that launched when you clicked print that let you print multiple pictures on one page and also select the size of those. It was called like "photo printing wizard"

It's really a great thing to have, since I hate wasting pictures and would like to fit more than one on a page and also I want to be able to choose the size! Am I missing something? And if not is there a program i can download/buy that will give me this option?

2. My second question is also regarding a program I used on my PC. I bought a program called "PictureIt" and it was an amazingly easy-to-use picture editing program that even I could navigate (and got quite good at using). If anyone is familiar with the program I'm talking about, could you please let me know if there is something similar for the mac? I know you can get things like adobe photo shop, but it really doesn't work quite like pictureit.

I have a seashore right now for resizing pictures, but I honestly can't figure out how to do anything more with it for the life of me. -_-'

any help on either question is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks a lot.