a bootable dvd


How do i create a bootable dvd from my original leopard disc? Original is lost somewhere but luckily i still have a dmg created out of it, but i don't know if i created it properly, if it should be created properly that is!
How, precisely, did you create it (what program -- Disk Utility? What options did you select when making it?)?

To make a bootable DVD image from the Leopard DVD, open up Disk Utility, select the Leopard DVD partition, then select File > New Image From..., then change the type of disk image to "CD/DVD master" and click "Create."

To burn a bootable DVD from this image, insert a blank DVD-R, drag-and-drop the disk image into the left-hand sidebar of Disk Utility, highlight it, then click "Burn."

Works 100% of the time for me.

If you incorrectly made the disk image to begin with, then there is no way to "fix" it other than remaking it from the original DVD. You must create the image correctly in the first place.
i have a powerbook and want to boot leopard from an ext HD, i can use either FW or USB1 is it possible? How do i boot from the extHD so i dont get in the DVD way?
Use Firewire.

Use Disk Utility to "restore" the Leopard DMG disk image to the external drive (ensuring, of course, that the external drive is partitioned in the correct partition format and formatted as the correct format type for your particular system -- that would be APM for PowerPC machines and GUID for Intel-based machines).

Boot your computer holding the option key, then select the Firewire drive to boot from.
Use Firewire.

Use Disk Utility to "restore" the Leopard DMG disk image to the external drive (ensuring, of course, that the external drive is partitioned in the correct partition format and formatted as the correct format type for your particular system -- that would be APM for PowerPC machines and GUID for Intel-based machines).

Boot your computer holding the option key, then select the Firewire drive to boot from.
how do i do the restoring from DUtility?
Disk Utility
click 'Restore'
drag your .dmg to the Source window
Drag your chosen partition to the Destination window.
Click the Restore button.
And - wait until it completes
i see, big issue now is that the ext drive has only usb ports :confused: what do i do now? i guess this solution goes down the drain... right?
You can restore a boot image to an external hard drive.
assuming your Mac is an intel Mac, you can boot from USB.
If a PPC (G4/G5, etc), then it's not an easy choice, unless you
Move your external hard drive to a firewire case, and you're there!
@zoranb: You CAN boot from a USB drive just make sure it is formatted to as a apple jurnaled partition use the restore tab and restore the Leo DVD image to the drive. make sure the partition for the Leo image is atleast 8GB in size once completed (with the USB drive plugged into the computer) reboot press and hold the option key right after you hear the startup chime your USB Hard Drive with the Leo install should be listed here select it and boot it it will be slower than firewire but faster than an actual DVD.
@DeltaMac: I had no problems running the Leo installer from my USB HDD on my eMac all i did was hold down the Option key and it was listed however this didnt work on the Ubuntu image. the box to my HDD enclosre says compatible with Windows 98 and later and Mac OS 8.6 and later i am not sure if this Mac compatability is the reason i was able to boot from it.
You won't convince me that you have some kind of special eMac that somehow allows booting to USB. You can't boot to a USB HDD without entering the arcane Open Firmware commands that allow that. It's just not supported in the firmware - and it has nothing to do with how you have your USB HDD prepared. A PPC Mac won't boot OS X through the USB bus without mods to the Open Firmware - it can't.

I suspect that you are misinterpreting that you are actually booting to the Leopard installer partition on your internal hard drive, which you did say you have, correct?
LeoTheLion89 let me say that i have no such big usb drive to use (only a big enough ext hd) and that im going to install Leopard on one of the earliest Powerbooks that doesnt have any usb2 ports just two usb1 and one fw, if this is of an important info to what you say.
and one more thing i want to ask, to which point does the system notify me that the OSX disc used cannot be used if its an OEM for eg. will it let me begin installation or what?
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You'll likely be able to boot with that disk, but the installer won't run. It will give you a message like: this software cannot be installed on this computer.
If the disk is grey, then it can only be used on one Mac model, and must be the same exact Mac model that disk originally shipped with. For example, there are approximately 11 different installer DVDs for MacBooks only. So, a random MacBook would need one of those 11, and the other 10 would not install. And, that's just for MacBooks. Some of the DVD sets will be identified for MacBooks, but most say only Mac OS X, even though they only work on a MacBook.
If you want a non-specific OS X installer, then you need the commercial DVD, which will usually be black with a big X on the label, until Snow Leopard, which is white with a SnLeopard on the label.
DeltaMac yes i DID have leo partition on my internal HDD but once i saw it booted i reformatted the HDD with a OS X partition and a Ubuntu partition my Leo installer is no completely formatted on my external USB Drive and 100% bootable. i can upload a video with proof if you need it
I don't know if it would be easy to have a video showing that.
Much easier (and I will offer congratulations) is two screen shots.
One of your Option-boot screen, showing bootable partitions WITHOUT the USB HDD attached.
And the second, with the only change is after attaching the USB drive, showing the addition of the USB HDD with a icon showing that USB HDD as a bootable device on your eMac.

You can't take an actual screen shot on that screen, so whatever camera you have to take the pics....
Can someone please explain to me in more detail so i can understand whats going on with that kind of installation? In simple steps plz if possible, and remember my case is a Powerbook with 2USB1 ports and one FW400. So plz recommend me the best/easiest solution. Also there are two ext hd, one USB and another combo (USB/FW) but its filled with data!
if your PowerBook has firewire and if you have a FireWire Drive id say use that place the data on it temperarly on another computer or HDD format the drive to Apple Partition Map with the Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format to do that it is Applications-->Utilities-->Disk Utility select your FW drive under Erase tab select format click Erase under the restore tab use Leo dmg as the source and your FW drive as destination. I used a USB Drive because it is all i have. Mac OS cannot boot from USB via the Startup Disk option but WILL boot ine the boot menuu (hold Option Key after the startup chime).
The PowerBook that zoranb has (with USB 1.1 ports) is not a good choice to attempt booting through USB (even if it was possible)
Remember that USB 2, in theory, is 40 times faster than USB 1.1!
Booting to a bus that doesn't allow over 12 MB/sec is basically hopeless. I'm sure it will boot to OS 9 through the USB bus (but is still unbearably slow), but OS X is a no-go on a USB 1.1 bus.

USB 2, I can accept as an unlikely possibility, because the USB bus would be fast enough.
USB 1.1, even less likely on an older PowerBook.

Most externals are not too difficult to swap hard drives in and out.
Go with Firewire...