A marriage made in heaven or hell?


I read an article in Macformat (UK) suggesting some discussion of a possible merger between Apple and Google (my wife has 'tidied' the mag away do I can't find my copy right now).

Anyone heard something similar?
I read an article in Macformat ... my wife has 'tidied' the mag away do I can't find my copy right now).

Hmm, a wife who tidies away magazines that you're still trying to read. I'm not sure if that is a marriage made in heaven or in hell. :confused:

Or did I miss the point? :rolleyes:
I can already see the headlines. "Mac forum poster destroys perfectly healthy marriage..."
I can already see the headlines. "Mac forum poster destroys perfectly healthy marriage..."

It seems not uncommon that blokes are the ones who prefer being messier (well, it's all relative) of the two in the relationship. There is the scientific principle of "entropy," where basically "nature tends toward disorder." I think that means blokes are just being natural. :p ;)

But perhaps we digress from Apple and Google...