a nice new home


ive turned on ftp server on my ibook and want to change the home folder to the public folder.

how do i make it so the person who loggs into the ftp can only read from teh public folder and can only write in the drop box?

also how do i change the username/password of the ftp because its linked to my acount info :)

im the only one who uses the ibook but i would prefer not to give out my password so incase someone sneaks onto it and installs nasties :D
If you're using the desktop version of OS X (not the server version) then you're pretty much stuck with the default settings for the built-in FTP server. That means that FTP users see the home directories no matter what, and the FTP username and password is linked to the account. So if you want another FTP user, say "bob" with password "ftpmenow", then you create a normal OS X user with username "Bob Smith (or whatever)" and shortname "bob" with password "ftpmenow".

Mac OS X Server does not have these limitations, and I find the FTP server to be quite robust. I also don't know if Mac OS X Desktop supports SFTP, but Server does.

Your other option is to install 3rd-party ftp server software, like Rumpus:

There are many options out there. Just do a search for "ftp server" on versiontracker.com.