A six-step plan for Apple...

kendall said:
the problem is PRICE, PRICE, PRICE!

I agree with this. Back when I was going to make the switch to Mac I was looking between the eMac or the iMac. But the iMacs were just to expensive. I could get the same spechs with the eMac and yet save some money which I used to buy a EPSON Printer/Scanner.
gerbick said:
erm, dude. glad you crawled out to post your vitriol. makes me feel special.

for your information, I just paid 1100.00 USD for a monitor. I'm in no rush to replace it with an iMac.

And besides, I wasn't talking about myself... unfortunately, I actually have the ability to think outside of myself, and know that a lot of people that are in the process of switching over to Apple, or contemplating buying one, can't afford a G5 off the bat, they find the lower resolutions - sorry dude, I need my 1600x1200 - an issue, and above all, they have way too many monitors, parts, et al in the house.

I just don't get what part of that fact actually made you so angry...

bah, nevermind. don't feed the trolls.

Sorry you just blew your wad on an expensive monitor, but exactly HOW is that Apples problem again (oh wait, they don't make what you want, right?). So the real question is, why are you switching? Or have you already? As for "thinking outside myself" your last post certainly didn't make it appear that way, sorry if I assumed that.

If you cant afford a new G5, why not buy an older G4? My local CompUSA has about 6 of them sitting around (starting at about $600 for a dual 867Mhz and going up from there). I bet you can find a decent deal on-line for one. Have you checked E-Bay? Have you even BOTHERED to look? Have you recommended ANYONE look and see what they can find? OR are you just going to complain about it? They can all do 1600x1200 out of the box (with your good $1100 monitor). If not, spend the extra $$$ and get a better card that CAN do it.

The part of your post where you whined like a 12 year old girl is what made me angry, quit bitching and go figure out a solution...Geesshhh :rolleyes:
gerbick said:
and with that mentality, I see why they're at 2.8% and slipping in terms of share. isn't it about time that they stop offering what they think you should want/need, and offer what is a more custom fit to a wider audience? I mean, that's what's it's all about... pleasing the masses.

And no... I don't want to hear that Apple/Ferrari comparison again. Apple ain't no friggin' Ferrari. More like a limited edition Volkswagen that's sold in a only a few places, only in white, with a bigger sticker price, an exotic header over the base engine - if that.

Am I the only person that's sorta amazed that my needs outpace the majority of Apple's inventory and offerings?

that's sad. oh well, I'll keep my Apple G4 Cube - ironic, I actually enjoy an Apple "flop". It's served me rather well... still does.

Is it REALLY all about pleasing the masses and market share? Isn't that what M$ does, and look how popular they are. Sure, everyone uses a PC but mostly because they HAVE to or don't know any better. Does bigger necessarily mean better? I'm not so sure.

Apparently you ARE the only one who's "needs" are more than Apple can provide. Consider a Dell/Windows combo lately? Bet THAT would work GREAT with you $1100 monitor!

Actually, I always like the Cube myself. Sorry I didn't pick one up when I had the chance. Does it do 1600x1200?
Of course, there's that little $61 million dollar 3rd quarter profit. Butt who's counting.

And how popular IS Microsoft, really? I have just helped three friends/relatives rid their computers of crippling virus infections. Using Winblows again reminded me just how much it sux!

All three computers had multiple viruses, including Netsky, the network virus. Is that a joke on Skynet? It's a NASTY virus. I used PC-cillin Internet Security, Spybot, and Adaware Plus to clean the machines. PC-cillin doesn't get shut down and ERASED like Norton.

Besides, people have been saying that Apple's going out of business for decades. ;)

baggss said:

Actually, I always like the Cube myself. Sorry I didn't pick one up when I had the chance. Does it do 1600x1200?
yep. easily and higher - the stock ATi would do it, but I have a Geforce3 in one, and an ATi 9700 in the Cube that's in my footer. Wanted to see if Quartz Extreme is what they claim - and I saw instant results.

As for the rest of your post, you're entitled to your opinion; now allow me mine.

Just because somebody doesn't fall into line like some fanatical little bitch sucking up to Jobs, et al (sorry, nobody in the computer business is doing anything perfect, and with so many missed steps by Intel/Microsoft, you'd think Apple would take advantage of the opportunity other than selling more iPods, which I also have) and actually presents an idea here in the forums - ooh, different thinking, flame him! - or better yet, in the Apple, Inc. boardroom, you step out of the shadows of anonymity, posting fire.

lol. sad thing, you probably think somebody will take you serious or even would care. hell, I don't even take my words here serious. a bunch of mac users talking about one of there favorite hobbies/pasttimes/computers. I don't recall counting how many times I scratched my ass yesterday, nor will I recall this thread tomorrow.

oh well. I'll buy a G5 when it suits me. I'll stick to modifying G4 Cubes for the interim due to it being more of a form factor I wanted when it came out, and I haven't seen anything that beats it. And I'll keep my lil' 500mhz iBook until it dies too.

yay mac fanaticism!
gerbick said:
yep. easily and higher - the stock ATi would do it, but I have a Geforce3 in one, and an ATi 9700 in the Cube that's in my footer. Wanted to see if Quartz Extreme is what they claim - and I saw instant results.

oh well. I'll buy a G5 when it suits me. I'll stick to modifying G4 Cubes for the interim due to it being more of a form factor I wanted when it came out, and I haven't seen anything that beats it. And I'll keep my lil' 500mhz iBook until it dies too.

yay mac fanaticism!

Can't fault you for that. I'll keep my G4/400 (now 1.3Ghz)Sawtooth until it just won't go anymore and then maybe I'll upgrade to a G5. What other kind of Cube "Modifying" have you done?

If you want to slam on Jobs, have at it, just don't whine while doing it...
baggss said:
What other kind of Cube "Modifying" have you done?
1.2ghz 7457 G4 in one, 1.0ghz 7455 G4 in two others. I've chromed one Cube - that one actually sold as soon as I showed it to a friend.

In one, as mentioned before, a GeForce3, the chromed one had a GeForce2 MX, and the one in my footer has the ATi 9700. That extra space by the Powerlogix all-aluminum "supercube" case helped with that.

All three machines are up to 1.5gb Corsair PC-133 SD-RAM, and two out of three were using 120gb Seagate Barricuda V HD's. The chromed cube had an 80gb Maxtor.

Other than that, MCE Superdrive in the "cubezilla", while the other cube uses a TDK 440N DVD-R in an ADS Firewire enclosure, as well as an 120gb HD in the same enclosure. The chromed cube had a DVD-ROM. I need to replace the DVD-ROM in my other cube I still have - real flaky at times.

I'm currently looking for another cube with a bad case (I have a spare, and besides, people usually come off the price bigtime when the outer shell is cracked) so I can mod that one for potential water cooling - that's gonna be a challenge - gotta make my own braces, et al.

Meanwhile, I actually do have a 3.2ghz P4 that gathers dust... but I do use it for any .NET programming and/or 3ds max (about the main reason why I keep a PC around).

Sounds like you've done some modding too.
MAN! That sounds SWEET! All I've done is simply upgrade my aging sawtooth to a 1.3Mhz processor and stuffed it full of RAM (well, RAM and HDDs), but nothing like what you've done. I need to get a new Graphics card for this beast as well. I'm going to pick up a 14inch iBook tomorrow afternoon from the local Apple Store in LA. Gonna stuff a Gig of RAM in that as well. Something extra to take with on business travel.