A Website Watcher for OS X?


Does anyone know of a program for OS X that can be used to monitor websites, and alert you of changes? I know there are a couple of programs on Windows that do this, mainly WebSite-Watcher, but I haven't seen anything like this on OS X.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
Hmm... I checked out OmniWeb, but it seems it's implimentation of this feature is limited to searching for an RSS feed on the site in question. I'm looking for a program that actually scours the raw HTML for changes, so I can track sites without RSS.
Hmm... I checked out OmniWeb, but it seems it's implimentation of this feature is limited to searching for an RSS feed on the site in question. ...
Wrong. OmniWeb flags all bookmarked websites which have experienced a change. The flagged changes are not restricted to RSS feeds.
Thank you MisterMe, OmniWeb definately looks like an option. But I'm curious, do any other programs exist that are dedicated to this task?