acrobat layers


Ok im using acrobat 6(osx), working on a PDF created using "easy PDF" in pagemaker (6or7)
I want to edit an object (photo) but I cannot get to it. There is all this other crap in the way.
I can in Acrobat 5(os9) however click straight on the object and edit it.
how can i select through layers. I have tried turning the layers on, but they wont enable.
I cannot get to the photo because other layers containing photo borders, lines etc. are in the way. The weird thing is the layer area is about 3 times the size of the actual border that is in the way. confused anyone yet? I am
Yep. Definately confused. Perhaps easy PDF has a security option that only works in OSX? Does Pagemaker have some sort of document security options as well that got into the pdf? Try extracting the image and see if that works, then at least you'll know if Acrobat 6 can 'see' it.
I can definatly see the layer, if i move all the other layers I can eventually get to the picture.
I will try and explain a bit better.
I am trying to edit a picture at the bottom of a page but when i use the edit object tool i click on a layer that is over the picture. This layer may relate to a small border box that is at the top of the page, but the layer for that box is almost the full page, therefore blocking the picture.

What i want to do is to be able to select my way down through all of the overlapping layers to get to just the picture and then edit that picture.
Right, I've never come across layers in a pdf before, so this is just a guess at a workaround:

Try resaving the pdf with the settings you would normally use, making sure that 'Preferences - Startup - Allow layer state to be set by user information' is checked then quit & restart Acrobat. That might enable you to get at the image.

Or can you just delete as many layers as necessary and save the pdf under a different name?

If I get a chance later I'll create some layered pdfs and experiment with them.
i cnat delete the layers as they have items on them that are elsewhere on the page.
I will try and resave the PDF.
Currently I cannot see any layers in the layers tab/dialog box, and the options for the layres is grayed out.

Thanks for you help
One more thing it may not be layers but more so overlying objects on the same layer. If that makes sense.

Also did i mention I can ge to the picture in Acrobat 5 with no problem.
Ah, yeah, overlapping objects in the same layer sounds like a good clue.

There must be a difference in the way 5 and 6 handle layers.

I presume someone sent you this errant pdf. If it were me, after this faffing about, I'd get on to whoever it is, explain the problem and ask them to make another one.

I haven't got round to trying to recreate your problem yet as I've run of round tuits, I've only got square tuits left, but I'll try to keep you posted.
yeah it is created in "EZ pdf" or something like that, also made from Pagemaker.
thanks for the help
Hi wapstar, Ive tried making layered pdfs from Illustrator, Photoshop and Quark Xpress files but I can't make it work! All I get is an ordinary flat pdf with the topmost layer of the original artwork showing.

Gawd, it's RTFM time again...
It is only in some PDF's too. ones we make ourselves we can access fine. Some clients work great, others I cant get to objects in Acrobat 6.