Abobo kitty

i have a Mac G5 with the ATI Radeon 9600 pro (AGP), i need to have 2 monitors running, i have a 23 inch flat pannel connected via DVI, i also have a 17' VGA that i'd like to hook up to it, but the only other port on the back of my video card is an ADC. what are my options? do they make a ADC to VGA?
i have a Mac G5 with the ATI Radeon 9600 pro (AGP), i need to have 2 monitors running, ...
It is my understanding that you cannot drive two monitors from the same card. Your card will drive an either an ADC or a DVI monitor, but not both simultaneously. You need a second card for your second monitor.
It is my understanding that you cannot drive two monitors from the same card. Your card will drive an either an ADC or a DVI monitor, but not both simultaneously. You need a second card for your second monitor.

I had thought the same thing

HOWEVER, we had an old ADC monitor sitting in a closet here, so for kicks and giggles i hooked it up to the ADC on my g4 and now i am running 2 monitors one DVI and one ADC

I see no reason why if you converted the ADC to VGA it would not work as well
I have also used a setup with 2 monitors to 1 powermac g4, of which 1 monitor had actual an adc connector (so it took its power from the mac) and it worked fine for several years.

So happy viewing with 2 monitors and yes adc to vga adaptors are available (see previous mail).

Good luck, Kees
Hi guys, first post so hope this works. Did the ADC to DVI then DVI to VGA work ?? cos I found a post on the apple discussions forum that said the former would not carry the analogue signal the latter needed. I'm trying to run 2 X 21" Studio displays ( yes, I have a big desk ) out of the same card mentioned at the top of this thread in a G5 Dual 2ghz. ( ATI Radeon 9600 Pro ) 1 X DVI and 1 X ADC.
As far as ADC to VGA adapters are concerned they are as rare as Hen's teeth. No -one anywhere seems to stock them anymore. I'm hoping that the two adapters together do the trick, I also have a spare DVI to VGA adapter and I figure I could use a formac ADC to DVI from the powermac - please post back if you had any success. Otherwise it looks like a new monitor or a new card. Cheers.
still waiting for my adapter to arrive, should be here today, but i won't be at my studio to do the install , i'll let you know how it goes
Many thanks for the update, I will wait for the results. Fingers crossed as this would be the easiest and most cost effective solution. Meanwhile, I'll keep looking for the elusive ADC to VGA converters. Cheers.
Thanks for the info, but it is ADC to VGA I'm looking for. Can find ADC to DVI's without too much trouble even on this side of the pond. ( I'm in foggy ol' London Town ). I'm waiting to see if the one Abobo kitty has ordered is gonna work attached to a DVI to VGA - therefore converting from ADC on the mac to VGA on the monitor through 2 adapters. Not holding out much hope though as found out the formac one does not - and that's straight from Dr Bott's website. Why did they stop making them ? Everywhere I go researching this there are people crying out for these adapters. Any tech guys out there who can explain this ?
I assume that the DVI 'socket' ( if that's what they are called ) on the graphics card carries the analogue signal through it's pins/holes otherwise the DVI to VGA adapters would not work. Also the ADC socket must do the same for the ADC to VGA adapters to work. So why not connect the analogue from the ADC to the DVI within the adaptor even though it is not needed for the DVI and then you have a dual purpose adaptor ( once you combine it with a DVI to VGA adaptor ) and have increased your customer base by two-fold possibly. Am I just a crazy confused Englishman ?
If by any chance, I am a marketing genius, I will take this opportunity to copyright this idea right now and will happily settle for 1% of the net revenue earned by all manufacturers from the execution of this idea.
Gotta go now and take a screenshot of this post, sit back and wait for the dollars to roll in. Cheers.
the way I'm planning on trying my dual monitor set up is

ADC to DVI - for apple cinema display
DVI to VGA - for mothballed VGA monitor

I'll post here when this thing ships to let you know if I had any success

Good luck. If the ADC to DVI doesn't carry the analogue signal the VGA needs ( and why should it - the DVI end doesn't need it - ) then I don't think it's gonna work. That's the problem.
Fingers crossed anyway. Cheers.
Whoops. Just realised I haven't been reading your post correctly. Your set up was always gonna work - you have one DVI monitor and one VGA monitor. All the adapters you need are readily available. Abobo kitty and I are trying to get two VGA monitors to work off a card with ADC and DVI connectors. The ADC to VGA is the problem. No ADC to VGA adapters stocked anywhere so trying to make one from ADC to DVI and DVI to VGA adapters bolted together. I'm still waiting to hear whether Abobo Kitty has had any luck with her set-up.
Have emailed Gefen and Dr Bott also. The saga continues.....
Ok scrap that. I'm the only one with the problem. Just realised that Abobo Kitty has same set up as you. Just needed to swap the connector for the apple display and buy an ADC to DVI. Gonna have to buy a twin DVI card or a new Monitor.
Just caught your thread, I'm in a similar situation. I'm hooking up a projector to a G4 gigabit and currently am using the VGA port on the mac for my monitor. The projector has VGA cable through the ceiling already. So I have the ADC port left to connect to the VGA cable. I've been looking all over on the net and it seems that all of the manufacturers of the ADC to VGA have discontinued this product. Is a new card my only option? Any low cost suggestions?
just a thought...

given the age of your mac (if it has ADC and VGA video) and the relatively low cost of new monitors (with DVI connections) a better investment than a new video card, would probably be a new DVI monitor and the ADC to DVI converter.

ADC - DVI monitor with adapter
VGA - projector

the new monitor will have a much longer life span than a video card for a ~7 year old mac
my vid card had 2 ports, an acd & a dvi. i ended up buying a adc to dvi, & a dvi to vga adapter to run 2 monitors, that solution might work for you also, the adc to dvi i found on for $25, & the dvi o vga i picked up @ fry's eletronics for $20. much cheaper than a new monitor, oor video card!
hope it helps, Abobo

that's exactly what I did as well, and it works perfectly. I bought the ADC to DVI from B&H photo and I had several DVI to VGAs lying around (they come with all new macs)

My new monitor comment was for vista, as he/she said his/her mac only had ADC and VGA and he/she wants to run 2 vgas