The Doctor
I Love Adobe/Macromedia ... well know just Adobe. And finnaly UNIVERSAL apps 
One problem, they won't install! I had the First Beta of Adobe Fireworks ... great! Couldn't install Beta two when it was out ... kept on trying, but there we go! So I unistalled anything of FW beta 2, and Macromedia Flash 8 and DW 8.
But when Installing Macromedia Flash and Fireworks I get the same problem and for Dreamweaver I have another problem, which make no sense. ... have a look at the links

ANY help will be great. Thank you in advance.
The Doctor

One problem, they won't install! I had the First Beta of Adobe Fireworks ... great! Couldn't install Beta two when it was out ... kept on trying, but there we go! So I unistalled anything of FW beta 2, and Macromedia Flash 8 and DW 8.
But when Installing Macromedia Flash and Fireworks I get the same problem and for Dreamweaver I have another problem, which make no sense. ... have a look at the links

ANY help will be great. Thank you in advance.
The Doctor