Advanced file share question? (for Mac/PC experts!)


We've got a peer to peer network with a mix of mac and pcs (10 total). We use a PC with XP Pro as our main depository of files. There we have simple file sharing disabled so that permissions can be set on a per folder or volume basis. This works fine throughout the network except on the Macs running OS 10.2.4. On these Macs we can mount any volume on the XP PC if we use any known (to the PC) user name with any, and I mean any (make one up), password. In other words no folders are protected by the permissions set on the XP PC when accessed from Macs w/10.2.4.

Is this a Jaguar bug or is there a little switch somewhere that I've missed so far that I need to enable in Jaguar?

The network is 3 macs running os X, 2 macs runnin 9.1, 1 mac running 8.6, 2 pcs running XP pro, and 1 PC running 98se.

Thanks in advance for your help . . . .

That really says something for the security of your XP server, if you can use ANY password to access the files. It is clearly a security issue within the windows server.

I've never used XP, but have studied win networks under older versions.

What file system are you using? NTFS of Fat32? These differ greatly in their security arrangements.

How are you creating user accounts and granting access to them on the XP machine?
It wouldn't have really surprised me if it were true, but I rather think that there's something wrong with Phil has the xp perms set up for the shared folders. I just tried this from my iBook (10.2.4) to my XP machine, and it absolutely rejects me unless I've provided a valid password.

I tested against the C$ share (C Drive root) and a test folder which are on an NTFS volume. I don't know why this would be any different on FAT32. One thing I did notice was that the default share permissions include "Everyone" having full control. I tried adding a user, without removing "Everyone" from the list, but without a valid account/password, it still rejects me. BTW, I've enabled the Guest account for this little experiment.

What is interesting (and broken) is that if I do provide a valid user/pass, and have that user set to "ReadOnly" share perms, and have "Everyone" with Full Control still listed, that valid user gets Full access. I don't think it's supposed to work that way. :rolleyes:
Thanks much for your replies. It helped me to focus on the PC end of things.

I worked a bit more on the PC and solved the problem by removing the everyone account on the c: drive that had the folders with varying permissions. This seemed to allow the varying permissions of the folders on that drive to be seen by the Mac OS X.
