Advice on purchasing a new mac, IMAC VS G5.

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Edit those links out of your post or admins may as well edit it for you ;)

"Shared" software or links to it, is prohibited around here :D
This is a bit long...

Originally posted by OSX-Devlinite
Well it finally came today...
Yippee and yahooey! Now time to experience the elation everyone getting a new Mac goes through.
As I was confident of my timing calculations... Fedex came at the same time I went upstairs to open the door :p
The box and everything inside was well done, nice and neatly packaged, without any waste of space. I frankly, couldn't believe they were able to cram the imac in there.
Yup, it’s quite a feat.
The software that came with it was crap. Free app trials and Tony Hawk pro skating 4 full.
Anyways, after putting the power plug, mouse and keyboard I booted up to OSX. I must say Imac is very sexy and well designed, except for the mouse and speakers sometimes distorting from static (solutions for this?). I love the widescreen LCD though!

It asked me for registration stuff, i quickly entered and selected my way of connecting to the net. it right away found my cisco access point and was already connected to OSX from boot. I also set up my networking for file sharing with my PCs, it found my network group, and everything, but asking for a pass. Neverthless, networking is really easy. Big bonus.

I must say I felt like a monkey while trying to get things done on OSX.
Yep, all typical of the Mac XPerience. The entire Macintosh line and OS X are designed for ease of use and okay-I-get-it functioning.
Couldn't find the CD eject button eventually noticing it was conveniently on the keyboard. Heheh, I even tried pressing on the Imac logo under the LCD screen on the Imac, thinking it probably had some kind of sensor like the G4 cube to open up.
LOL... I can picture you frustratedly pushing the Apple logo on the front. The keyboard button is nice, though it’s relevant more for Powermacs where you might not even be in the same room as the computer.
Another discovery was right click tasks which couldnt be done because of the 1 button mouse, that was a real pain in the ass. Then figured out, you can simply press and hold button to get the extra option for dock items, but not for files such as copy and paste. I really hate using ctrl + mouse button... I prefer PC style 2 button mouse configuration with scroller. The mouse doesnt feel right and is a dissapointment for me.
You can get optical multibutton mice for as little as $20... I’m sure you know this, though. I, too, prefer right-clicking to Control-clicking.
I also figured out the Finder, what I found neat was applications were all bundled into 1 icon. No hassles, very easy to manage.
Again, back to the simplicity of the system as a whole... Steve Jobs was and is an easthetic perfectionist. His machine popularized personal computing, after all. Apple II + Visicalc = welcome to the era of modern computing... but that's a topic for a different thread.
The OS itself is fast and stable, but not as fast as my XP machine.

For instance, web browsing is slower on OSX... even if I use IE or Safari...its like going on half the speed of my DSL. That was a downside.
Another highly discussed topic... I'll leave this for the seething masses.
But multi-tasking was a breeze. I web browsed while I was watching a DVD... No lagging whatsoever. I will do more testing on this.
You gotta love the power that UNIX brings to an OS, like preemptive multitasking and protective memory.
At this time, i forgot that I didnt isntall my extra 512MBs of ram, and realised even without it, OSX still ran quite smoothly.
Definitely install it before using Photoshop. It'll make quite the difference.
I also installed WC3 TFT and tried that on max resolution with max settings. It peforming as well as a pc for such a high resolution with only a Geforce FX 5600. One problem was OSX nvidia drivers doesnt seem to let you modify options for OpenGL which is another dissapointment. What if I want to use anistropic filtering, AA or disable vertical sync?
This sounds more like an issue with Nvidia than Apple... contact them and ask for these features in their drivers for the Mac.
On the net, I snooped around and found couple of free OSX apps which were nice. Such as Jedi Knight 2 Irc.
Careful... this has been mentioned several times already (in this thread, no less), but I'll put it here anyway:
Located on the Rules page...
No w@r3z - No asking for serialz, hackz, or warez, linking to them, discussing or anything related, including MP3z, Pr0n and related piracy items.
MSN messenger looks much nicer on OSX, but alot less features... MS should update it, but i guess they dont care...
Yep, this is also an issue with Microsoft, not Apple. I suppose you could argue that the platform is hurt when developers favor one OS over another, but that's also another topic.
I tried Office X and Appleworks, they seemed too messy and complicated... so I didnt bother trying them out extensively.
I don't find these programs messy or complicated. I think it's more intuitive to have your toolbars immediately available instead of having to click a small contextual menu to access the rest of them by default, as is the case in later versions of Office for Windows.
That was pretty much my day with my new Imac. Oh and no Panther coupon
LOL, figures...
Didn't try Adobe yet...
Well, what are you waiting for? :)
If I can summarize my first impressions... From scale to 1 to 10. I give the Imac for its cost an 8. It's a good machine but didnt excite me as I wanted. Maybe it was because I was getting frustrated in finding how things get done. I also felt restricted and limited. Was very hard to find free or pirated apps for OSX that were worthy.
I'd say that's an excellent rating for a Windows Luvr.

I could name you a couple places to look for pirated software, but... well, you know why I don't.
My judgment will change as I use it more extensively, this is just first day impression.
For the better, I'm sure.
I probably will never use Ichat, cause I need a .mac account (must pay for it) or AIM which I dont use. I'm a MSN guy.
You really should check iChat out. I don't know about you, but all my friends use AIM (even the PC users, which is most of them :rolleyes:), so I use AIM as well, which of course lets me access iChat users. At least try it out, find a couple of your MSN friends who have AIM as well to talk to, and see how you like the program. Or talk to some of us.
I am in love with new office 11. Very well done and rich with features...

I don't know if MS will release it for OSX, but it wont matter cause I have it on pc.
As is often the case, if MS does release a new version of Office (which I'm sure they will), it'll probably be better in a number of ways than Office 11. But you can have your opinion, and eat it too. ;)
In the meantime, is there any cool free apps for OSX? I really got nothing to do on it... I just stare on the screen and play with the dock.
There is, look around. Also, check out Ambrosia. Though their stuff isn't free, it isn't time-limited, and they've got some awesome shareware games and applications that just might squeeze some dollars from your pocket.
I noticed a problem, I dunno if its OSX or the apple mouse but sometimes I have to click the mouse button 2-3 times to get a response.
Covered already...
Oh and I accidently pull the power plug while logged in OSX. Does that harm the OS, in anyway?
Not if you're not doing anything important, like mucking around in Terminal. It's definitely safer than in Windows.
Also, how do I make my icons look big? Not the dock ones, the one's i put on desktop. I usually see them real big in OSX screenshots.
Do i need a special app to burn isos or bins? Does Apple have a built in DVD/CD burner software? Or do I have to get one? Which is the best? I heard about roxio burn and toast...
I think Toast is probably among the elite of all OS X CD-burning applications, though it's also one of the costliest.
How do I uninstall programs? I simply delete the icon or folder of the app from finder? Or is there a more proper way to do it?
Click on the application or folder and push Cmd-Delete, then Cmd-Shift Delete. Easy as, um, throwing away a moldy sandwich. ;)
Thank you for tell me about the apps. I will look into them soon enough.
Well even though i wasn't that excited about the Imac, my mom seems to love it alot.

She loves the design and told me why i never bought a computer like this, cause she hated my pcs, with their wires and bulkiness.

She doesnt know how to use a computer, but she seems to be comfortable to understand OSX. I taught her how to get on the the .net, and I may say the google on safari browser was a key for newbie success. My mom loves it. I also showed her how to import her cds to Itunes library, even i was astounded how easy it was and I showed her how to use the Music radio. The OS seems to fit in harmony with Iapps. BTW, MS will be releasing WMP9 for OSX soon...
This is one of the real benefits of OS X: It is incredibly easy to use and straightforward. It is excellent for the elderly (sorry, I don't know how old your mom—or even you—is/are) and young children to get used to computing with. It's cool to hear that she likes it... and doesn't like your PC's... LOL!
She on the Imac right now and she is very happy with it. So i guess one of us is getting a good deal out of it.
Well, if for some strange, twisted reason you decide not to use the iMac, it'll have a good home without you having to sell it. :)
And as for me, I am downloading Halo final for PC. The irony of it all, since it was suppose to be an exclusive mac title!
Yes, quite ironic... sT00pid Microsoft. ;)
OK here comes the bad side of OSX.

First problem...

I can't seem to connect to my pcs, even if OSX is finding my network group, i click on the pc i want to connect, it asks for SMB name and password, which I have none on my pcs. I tried everything, every username pass that i can think of that it could be asking... always in the end giving error that is not able to connect. Also, my pcs cant seem to see the Imac at all, while the imac can see my pcs, but unable to log onto them. I have appletalk enabled!


Second problem...

Picture editing is soooo damn slow, even with my 512 extra memory. My god, I transfered bunch of photos from my dell laptop by bluetooth to the Imac, even if I wish to scroll the thumbnailed pictures, its so damn slow... XP does this in a breeze, even on the crappiest pc. Whats holding back my Mac???


Third problem...

My Airport Extreme sometimes loses its signal! And isnt too far from my cisco high powered aironet 1200 access point.

My God, I can even go outside my backyard with my dell laptop with an excellent signal, while this Imac is at 50% signal reception and sometimes failing!! This is annoying while I am doing something on the net!

1.) Activate Windows File Sharing on the iMac. It's in 'Sharing' in your Sysprefs.

2.) Are you using iPhoto? That's slow, yes. Use Graphics Converter (Shareware) or Adobe Photoshop (Payware).

3.) WiFi is sometimes strange. Try moving the access point by only a few inches, and it may be better. Same for the iMac...

4.) Stop asking for warez or you'll be banned.
1) I also have problem for sharing wioth the PC (running XP). Didn't find a solution.

2) ACDSee is also available for Mac and does something like Graphic Converter.
Ok fix the network problem!!!

Plan A.
This is how you do it.

First enable Windows File sharing, from Shared in System Prefereces.

Then Create a new adminstrator account on your XP, with username and PASSWORD.

Then from the apple taskbar for finder...

Click on the Go tab, then Connect to Server, then to whatever your PC workgroup is, (it should be there)... Then enter user name and pass, voila! Connected to your from Imac.

Or B.

If you want to connect from your PC to the Imac.

First create a new account from Users Account in Sys preferences on OSX by checking only Windows File sharing in the user account options, and make username and pass.

Then on your PC...

Go to My Network Places, then click on View Network computers from Sidebar tasks, then Under the Other places category, click on Microsoft Windows Network, and your imac should be there.

Fryke, who said I was talking about warez? :D
-2 times Safari crashed.

-3 times Iphoto Crashed!

-Once OSX was unresponsive and had to make a Hard reboot.

-And 1 time Superdrive wasnt opening even I continually pressed the eject button... Or if I trashed the CD icon. Eventually it did open...

How is this more stable than XP? I never have these problems when I am doing normal tasks on my PC!


Oh and I did an extensive play of WC3, I had lower resolution settings to 800x600 to play a smooth game.

I am disappointed....
At first I thought that this thread was legit. Since I own an iMac similar to the one purchased by OSX-Devlinite I regretted that i didn't have the time to help and encourage; but the rest of you have.

Yet something about the last few posts, especially the one above this bothers me.

The poster shouldn't be having all those problems. Maybe he has a bad machine, and should return it. or maybe he is a troll. If not, then I apologize to him and this whole community.

But I use both OS X and Windows XP. I have found them similar in stability.
Originally posted by baldprof
... or maybe he is a troll.

This person has been coming to this forum (and other Mac forums) for years and has been banned here more times than any other person (quite the distinction if you ask me). He is a known troll and has bad mouthed Macs and Mac users to degrees unparalleled by any one I've seen.

I don't know what is possessing Ed, fryke and the others to let this continue, but it is their choice. They know better, so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

The best suggestion is to sit back and watch the show. Grab some popcorn (heavy on the salt ;) ) and take it for the fiction that it is.
Originally posted by OSX-Devlinite
Third problem...

My Airport Extreme sometimes loses its signal! And isnt too far from my cisco high powered aironet 1200 access point.

My God, I can even go outside my backyard with my dell laptop with an excellent signal, while this Imac is at 50% signal reception and sometimes failing!! This is annoying while I am doing something on the net!

Check the actual signal strength using Konfabulator and my Widget (download Konfabulator first). This should help you out with a more accurate reading of the signal strength... It might help to move the display around as the AirPort antennae are located in it.
Originally posted by OSX-Devlinite


you can call apple and ask them anythin.

you can ask for help in the RIGHT forums in this site... eg. Mac OS X System & Misc. Software or... Mac OS X Networking & Compatibility etc...

or if none of these work. u can just leave (sorry if i sound hostile.. dont actually mean to)
devlin - try repairing your permissions with disk utility. you should probably do this regularly as long as you are installing new software. also pick up 'maintain your mac' at versiontracker. it'll also help you correct newbie messups and adjust a few extra settings.

as for game frame rate, we've always conceded that games are more suited for the pc.
Safari crashes: Happen sometimes. If you want less browser crashes, try using less windows/tabs at the same time, try finding out whether it's on 'special' sites (i.e. can you repeat the bug) and send a bug report to Apple.

SuperDrive: Was it empty when you tried the eject button? Was the volume (the CD or DVD) active at the time you wanted to eject it?

But tsizKEIK is right, post these questions to the right forum.
Thank you for your responses...I appreciate it.

First, thank you Ricky for directing me to this real cool app... Reminds me of Desktop X by Stardock for PC.

I used your neat airport mini bar... My signal is at 68%. The best I got till now is 70%, at intensive usage times, it goes down to 50%. But today, it has not failed... So I am being optimistic and hoping for the best.

I did the permissions repair and downloaded Maintain your mac and did a clean up...

The CD was inactive while I pressed the eject button.

Btw, I made my first Imovie today! It's as easy as the windows movie maker, but I am really amazed on the compression that quicktime uses. Made my movie SO small in size. It is amazing... I meddled with Idvd too, but didn't get the hang of it yet. Looks a little more complicated, but I will manage.
Originally posted by RacerX
This person has been coming to this forum (and other Mac forums) for years and has been banned here more times than any other person (quite the distinction if you ask me). He is a known troll and has bad mouthed Macs and Mac users to degrees unparalleled by any one I've seen.

I don't know what is possessing Ed, fryke and the others to let this continue, but it is their choice. They know better, so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

The best suggestion is to sit back and watch the show. Grab some popcorn (heavy on the salt ;) ) and take it for the fiction that it is.
I think Ed's being lenient on Devlin right now since he just bought a Mac for once in his life, and he's actually finding ways it's better than his warehouse of PC's. He was banned as Devlinite and, I guess, MacDevlin, so I think he's trying to play it safe now.
Originally posted by OSX-Devlinite
I probably will never use Ichat, cause I need a .mac account (must pay for it) or AIM which I dont use. I'm a MSN guy.

you can register a .mac account trial for 650 days. after that you can still use it in ichat, not as mail if you don't pay.
Use diskwarrior, or other means to repair permissions.
If troubles continue, call Apple. And tell what they answer.
Now, good nights or morning, guys.
A trial account for almost two years 650 days) for free? Not even close :)

The free 60-day .Mac trial account includes limited versions of many of the key features of a .Mac paid membership:

HomePage for hosting web sites and publishing web pages and photo albums from iPhoto
A .Mac Mail account with 5MB of storage (vs. 15MB for full membership)
Trial version of Apple's new Backup software to back up files to iDisk (backup to CD or DVD requires full membership)
20MB of iDisk storage (vs. 100MB with full membership)
iDisk Utility software to set read/write access to and password protect the iDisk Public Folder (great for group sharing of files)
Web-based access to email , your address book, and favorite bookmarks
.Mac Slides Publisher for turning your photos into slideshow screensavers
Additional .Mac-only functionality for Apple's iCal and iSync software
Instant messaging with .Mac account name and iChat
Sorry, I meant 60 days. Posting in a hurry, and i'm dylsexic, so ... even if you don't pay yyour .mac memebership, it remains for your free use as ichat (only) account. Thanx for noticing my typo bobw.
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