Aftermath of OS X 10.4.8 re-installation


The saga continues...

I had a problem with my OS therefore have to "Archive and Install" a new copy. Now problem solved and the system is working as it was :D

However there are bit and pieces that didn't move across and I found them in Previous System folder. Things like something in Preference Pane, Scripts and preferences .plist etc etc...

Do I need to move them across manually or is there a migration tool? Or simply just ignore and TRASH the "Previous System Folder"?

Any suggestions?

When you did the archive it put all you previous stuff in a special folder. So any extra third party Preference Panes need to be dragged over to the new system from your previous system. Also the individual preferences (esp. those of third party programs) can be brought over to the new system. But be careful in doing this. One of those old files may have been the reason for your previous problems. Just test each file being brought over one at a time.