Airport , PC, & college network


So, basicaly, out network here at osu requires that you register your
hardware address with the network in order for you to use the net services.
Thats all fine and dandy, but you can only have one hardware address
registered to your name. Which posses a problem because i have a windows XP
box, and this g4 power book. I have an airport base station with the WAN port
connected to the wall, and the LAN port connected to a hub with my windows
box, and my roommates. So far, it looks like i have to use "Distribute IP
Address" checked on my airport, but after a little bit, the net stops
working, and i think the DHCP of the airport, and the school's network are
interfearing, but for some reason it works for a little. Has anyone had this
problem, of have any idea on how i can make all my computers connectd to the
airport share the same ip address withought DHCP??
Find some student who doesn't have a wifi computer and get them to sign up your mac address with their name.
What kind of hardware address?? If the hardware address is just an ip address, then the airport base station has an ip of it's own separate from the ip of the two computers served by the base station. To see the ip address given to your aiport base station (the only ip visible to people outside your lan) you should go to .
Its a MAC address, such as 00:03:93:E3:6F:93. And our network doesn't discriminate between wired and wireless, because it all has to be hardwired anyway. Finding a student is an idea, but i hate not being able to fix a problem. The weird thing is it works for about a hour and a half, then the net quits on both comps. Which is kinda weird, and i dont know what to make of it.
Yes a challenge! Ok, well let's set up some base information.

Presumably your network is trying to circumvent hacking by registering and binding everyone's MAC addresses so some outsider can't, say, plug in an unknown laptop. Pretty clever if you ask me, allbeit overkill.

Now, your AirPort base station will have its own MAC address. Does your Windows XP box have a WiFi card? If so, you might be able to give the CCS office your base station's MAC address, and then share that connection as a mini-LAN in your room, since your APBS will hand out LAN IPs to your mac and pc.

It sounds however like you're already doing that, and it fails. Have you tried turning the transmission power on the APBS down a lot, to just where it'll reach your nodes? It's possible that there is another WiFi transmitter somewhere interfering with it.

When you say everything dies, try to be very specific : Does the IP lease on your LAN nodes expire, can you connect to your base station, can you connect to other sites inside your university network, etc? That might help pinpoint the problem...