

My Airport base station that I've been using for several years has operated with several different modems. I've just recently switched servers, and the base station isn't delivering the signal. If I plug my iBook directly into the modem via ethernet, I can access the internet. I can see the base station on my computer, but I just can't get the signal. I thought it might be the order in which I was turning on everything (modem then base station), but that doesn't alleviate the problem.

Any advice?

(tried resetting the password on the base station, tried different orders, running out of ideas...)
When you say "I just can't get the signal" ... are you saying that you're able to connect to the base station with a wire, but not wirelessly? Do any wireless networks show up in your Airport menu?
I can see the base station in my Airport menu, and can actually connect with other computers through the base station, but I can't get the internet signal (which I know is coming from the modem, since I can connect to the internet using the cable) to get through the base station to my computer.

Since I've posted, I've tried to wipe out the memory (using the paper clip method), but the base station memory is resilient, and retains the original information. I think it is getting old...
Well, depending on the model of Airport, there are different methods for resetting to factory settings. An Airport Extreme, for example, requires that you press the reset switch BEFORE plugging the AE into the outlet (power) and continue holding the reset switch WHILE plugging into the outlet. Other Airport base stations have other procedures. Check Apple's support documentation for your particular Airport to make sure you are using the correct reset method:

Further, most cable modems don't like it when you switch the network cable from one device to another. What you might want to try is to get the Airport back into it's default configuration, powered up and everything. Connect the cable from the cable modem into the Airport Base Station. Then unplug the power cord from the cable modem for a good 30 - 60 seconds, then reconnect the power to the cable modem and test.
Thanks Christopher,

I can't seem to get the base station back to it's default configuration. I sometimes can see it in Airport Admin, but when I try to configure it, it disappears. It very rarely appears in my airport menu, and it won't accept the password when I try to access it as "other" in the airport menu.

It is the base station prior to the extreme base station, so it's a dome, with only white colored lights (3) on the front. Model # M8440
I can attest that I've seen a couple of those particular models flake out. If you're unable to get it to reset to factory defaults, then I would submit it's time for something new.

I can also attest that the newest Airport Extreme base station (prior to the Time Capsule) is a great unit with no problems thus far.
Yeah - I already put in an order for the new Time Capsule, but thought I could get this one working for a few more weeks.

Any advice regarding Tiger OS and Time Capsule? Obviously Leopard would be better, but I'm not sure my iBook G4, 1.33 GHz, 1.25 GB Ram is up to the challenge of running Leopard (and before you tell me it's time to upgrade my computer as well, that will likely happen within the year).
You won't be able to use Time Machine in Tiger so the "time capsule" feature won't work. You should still be able to connect to it from 10.4 for wireless networking, just no Time Machine functionality.
However, your iBook G4 should be able to run 10.5 just fine. I don't really think that 10.5 is that much more "taxing" than 10.4 was. You have a fair amount of RAM (I know you're maxed-out) and you meet the minimum processor requirement (867Mhz G4 or faster).

The only concern that you didn't address is free space on your hard drive.
I am running:

Machine Model: Power Macintosh G3 Series
CPU Type: PowerPC 750 (2.2)
Number Of CPUs: 1
CPU Speed: 400 MHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 1 MB
Memory: 640 MB
Bus Speed: 100 MHz
Boot ROM Version: 1.1.1f4

I want to make this machine wireless but I, find, even though much of what I read states that I can use (if I can find one) the Original 802.11b, Wireless Network Adapter Card "Original Apple Airport Card" I, never found one. Go figure. Anyway I, came across the "G54SL+ Mac USB Wireless Adapter with Vertical Base Station." My question... Before I buy this is there anyone here who uses this device? Does it work as advertised?

