Analogue to Digital Sound and Video


Anyone care to advise on the best hardware to get either analogue sound (like from old LP's, etc.) and/or analogue video into a G4. I'm presuming there are A to D converters, probably USB and/or Firewire, but it would help to know what's worked for others and what y'all like best.

Thanks. :)
I have a Formac Studio (another thread talking about it here: that I like. It's $400 and lets me import and export from/to DV over firewire. I can take analog video (with audio) sources and import straight into, say, iMovie. Pretty nice.

For $50 or so you can get USB audio adapters for inputting analog audio only. Macs used to all have analog audio input, but now I think only the 800Mhz Titanium has it.

Yeah, it's actually pretty sneaky how Apple just kinda left off the audio in jack. I understand there's also one on the eMac, as well as the Ti PB.

Sounds like your Formac Studio will do pretty much anything one would want along the A-->D line, and while $400 is certainly not chump change, it sounds like the unit is worth it, especially as it's among the first to do what it does. Did you purchase it online, or at a local reseller?