did (and saw) the dock trick mentioned. No joy here.
But as of about a week and a half ago, I can print fine.
There is ONE thing.... and I think it is related to the printer itself. now I get these awful scraping/grinding sounds from the printer while beginning a print job. (I don't print often from my printer - my wife does and I'm starting to hate the calls for end-user support to me from my wife, I carry .pdfs, etc on portable media and if I NEED a hardcopy I send it to doc productions at the firm and they run off a professional copy).
It's odd how this thread just popped - I just mistyped the previous "popped" and spellcheck just suggested pooped... hehe) back up... Anyone see this? I can usually get it to print a copy after the 2nd or 3rd try and doing all the printer head cleaning, troubleshooting suggested, etc....
It's scary grinding... like a little chain saw...
Also, since this has been happening, I need to keep switching ink carts much more frequently. Probably just ned to buy a new printer. We did get this one when the iMac originally came out - wow! We still have the pretty bondi-blue in a box. I was thinking, if we have a son (due in April-May and we'll know the sex nov 21), I could set it up in his nursery. Ya know, start him off early... it's blue...
Anyone have any ideas or a good vodka tonic? (ran out of tonic - how could I!?) Looks like it's straight Beautiful Polish Vodka for now...