AOL Ignorance


I'm 1/4 Basque you know?...
Here in the UK, internet is still not cheap. Yet AOL seemed to have the solution for me. £15/month for unlimited access. But there is no OS X support. Oh there's support if you're an American. But none if you're British. I spent over 2 hours trying to get AOL 5.5 (OS 9) to work through Classic. I tried using AOL for OS X to import the settings from AOL 5.5, to no avail. I sent them an email here's what they said:

Dear Member,
Thank you for your query today.  We are always more than happy to help with any problems that
might arise, no matter how big or small.

AOL UK values its Mac members greatly and we are fully committed to providing them with the best
possible online experience. The current version of AOL for Mac users is AOL 5.0, and this is
available for Mac OS 8.5 to Mac OS 9.x.

Mac users should not forget that they can run any web browser, including the latest version of
IE for Mac, or Netscape 6.1 or 6.2 (which offers advanced email functionality that is compatible
with AOL) over their AOL connection.

It is, however, an unavoidable fact that Mac members make up an extremely small percentage of
our members. We're a mass-market company, and the mass-market computer of choice is the PC - so
our priority has to be to develop new software for this audience.

Unfortunately we are not able to give any details at the moment about future Mac versions - we
are currently evaluating the economic viability of developing a new version of AOL for Mac OS X
and Mac OS X v10.1.

If other service providers cannot provide a service to you because you have a non bt line then I
suggest you email them about that because AOL allows access from all telephone providers.

AOL Tech Support

The other catch is because we don't have a BT(British Telecom) line, who used to have the monopoly, NO ONE else can provide us internet service!!!

Can anyone help PLEASE????!!!
sorry, can't be of help. but i will add this to my long list of reasons people shouldn't do anything to help support aol seeing as how they do the least they can to support us.

For anyone who still doubts that, please go back and reread where they specifically state that. We just aren't big enough for them to care. :mad:
AOL sucks! It is THE next Mi¢ro$oft. Be forewarned, those dependent on this evil beast. Gobble Gobble -- no more Time Warner.

Long live FREE internet (or at least high-quality DSL supported ISPs like Mindspring, Earthlink, etc.!!!)
I was going to suggest that you talk to Ed about this...but, hey! I should have guessed.

I wouldn't have never thought they would actually say that they were directing more attention to other areas. Not a good choice to say that.

I say AOL gets its act together. Why aren't their analysts telling them that they could get more market share by expnding on the platforms that MSN doesn't want to touch anyway? No one in PC land is going "Really? AOL is out? This is exactly what i've been waiting for! Time to go down and pick up some free disks!"

Mabey its time to jump ship?:mad:
Originally posted by rinse
What exactly happens when you try to use the AOL beta for OSX?

Well I have tried EVERYTHING and I really mean that. I tried using a Guest account, then manually entering in my details. I think it's because it's mainly a US version. I couldn't ever ask for UK numbers so I had to manually enter them in. The thing it always says is that AOL isn;t accepting commands properly from the dial up server.

does anyone have this working in the UK?
Alex.I just got the new CD that AOL is putting out ,in their Keyord Beta area,They send it to you by mail,(that is if they can afford to send it to you over there)... lol... Its Called,AOL for Mac OS X (refresh Beta software.,Its an Omni Installer,that goes and detects your ram ammount,and Processor type and then it automaticly chooses the right version Of AOL to install directly to the system hard drive your using,Im running 10.1 here and I must admit,The connection,although I use a modem that only will take AOL at 33,600,Due to AOL s other scafflaw,But,It works really great,I've been using it now about 200 hrs and it hasn't droped a connection yet,Id suggest you go to ,Keyword Beta,and in the box it has a request form you fill out,and they send it to you,Although it takes them a couple weeks,It does the trick... Bill
My father travels back and forth between the US and the UK often. I recently switched him to OSX when the palm beta came out, the final program he needed before switching (yet another headache). He tried using OSX in the UK and couldn't get it to work either. He said he called AOL tech support back here in the States and they said it doesn't work in the UK, period. So, needless to say he's back using OS 9 for that reason and others, as mentioned above.

I sure wish these major software corporations would get their crap together. People can b**ch and moan as much as they want about how these major software companies are the devil. But when it comes down to it the majority of consumers look to these "devils" first. So we must deal with the devil and accept his crappy software.

Sorry I'm rambling. My point is that you aren't alone in the UK with AOL.

this my friend, is why proprietary software sucks and opensource rocks! Let's take linux for example (and os X a you will see) linux started lif on an PeeCee, but now it runs on EVERYTHING (even your toaster) Open source sowtware is the reason we have our superdooper Mac OS X that we brag about to everyone.