Apple Fan


I've been an Apple fan since the old OS 6 days (been playing with MacOS since the third grade). But I have always had a Windows System at home(Just because my parents are die hard Windows Fans).

I want to buy a Mac but I want to know which one you would suggest to a person that just wants to play around with the OS. I'm not a gammer, so I dont need a powerful graphic card. On my Windows machine I do a great deal of programming. Thanks for your time.

Hi there, and welcome to the forum.

The eMac is fantastic value for money, and would be my first recommendation for you, though the G4 iMac's 'cool factor' justifies the extra cash. I would pass on one of the old G3 iMacs, as you'll only outgrow it.

If you're thinking of upgrading hardware at a later time, you might consider a PowerMac. You might find a good one second-hand, though check it out with the folks here before you reach for your credit card, okay?

You would be best off getting a G4, though a G3 iBook is pretty sweet once you've put in a little more RAM, if you want a laptop. I'd recommend no less than an iBook 700 if you go second hand, as the 500s shipped with a 66mhz bus.

Make sure you get one with at least a CD-Writer (I'm pretty sure they all have writers now, anyway) and at least 256mb of RAM (again, standard as far as I know). Some early eMacs shipped without a modem, because they were designed for school use to begin with, so check this if you buy second hand.

So, what language/s do you program in, and what for? Is it a hobby, or are you a student, or a professional?

Anyhow, take your time and try each model out in the store, to see how it feels to your style of working. You won't be disappointed with a Mac. Run any questions you might have by us, don't forget you'll need software, too!
Thanks for your help. I work at a high school as a computer lab tech during the day and go to college at night so I dont really have enough money to spend on a beefed up new iMac. But the eMac that you suggested looks almost tempting. I might just pop an Ad over at the classifieds sections to see what people are willing to sell me before I go to Apple.

I program mostly for fun. I program in Visual Basic (Is there a similar language for Mac), C++, and Java.