Apple Legal pulling G5 / 970 WWDC rumors from MacRumors! (Is this confirmation?)

Originally posted by theed
Also, I've been predicting a video chat client from Apple for a couple of years now. They have QT, they have a real time operating system, they have the videoconferencing codecs installed by default and the ability to compress low bandwidth movies in real time with processor to spare.

AOL isn't allowed to make a video chat client due to a government regulation to keep them from being a monopoly in chat clients. Quite frankly, I don't understand that one, why can't AOL have a monopoly on chat clients? It's the one oseful thing they've actually brought to the internet...

Anyway, Apple can leverage AOL's userbase, and I'm sure AOL gets cash for this arrangement; and Apple isn't limited with any weird monopoly laws about not making a video chat client. I was surprised not to see something last summer when 10.2 was shown. I'll be truly disappointed if it doesn't show up again.

AOL is not allowed to have video e-mail because of the merger of AOL and Time Warner. I believe the federal government didn't want one of the world's largest media companies instant and exclusive access to millions of AIM customers. I'm not exactly sure of the details, but I think Microsoft pushed for this...
Apple Legal has pulled a lot more than just the G5 MacRumors article, they also pulled two or three articles from ThinkSecret (the iCam and iChat-VC thinghy and the Safari v80 and .. another one?), and one or two articles on OS-News (G5 and ?? can't remember ...), and something on MacBidouille too.

However, AppleInsider and Eweek are still online and contain most of the info's that were pulled from the other sites.

BTW. Could get in trouble if a member posted the pulled infos? :confused:
Originally posted by Cat
Apple Legal has pulled a lot more than just the G5 MacRumors article, they also pulled two or three articles from ThinkSecret (the iCam and iChat-VC thinghy and the Safari v80 and .. another one?), and one or two articles on OS-News (G5 and ?? can't remember ...), and something on MacBidouille too.

However, AppleInsider and Eweek are still online and contain most of the info's that were pulled from the other sites.

BTW. Could get in trouble if a member posted the pulled infos? :confused:

Yes, MacOSX would get the same Apple Legal letters the other sites got.