Apple Remote Desktop!


If you have not had the chance to try Apple Remote Desktop in 10.3 you have to give it a go.

I hear you ask why?

It rocks its almost as fast as Terminal Services, no more waiting for screen redraws : )

Give it a go if you can.
Sounds good! As I'm using 'such software' only between operating systems (WinXP to Mac OS X and vice versa) I'm stuck with VNC for the moment, though... (Which, of course, has terrible screen redraw problems...)
So you don't get the awful tearing when, say, using doc zooming? Incredibly latent screen redraws? In other words, no more VNC-like speed?

I don't have a second Mac here so I can't try it out at the moment (I'd spend EXTRA money if they'd just put out a Windows client, though I'd like to point out again that MS has a Windows, Mac, and LINUX client for terminal services/remote desktop... For "free"...)
Don't you have to buy Apple Remote Desktop to be able to control another 10.3 mac ?
I thought that it was just the client side settings that was included in 10.3
Guess that's what he meant, gumse. Of course you should only try it when you've bought it. :)
So you don't get the awful tearing when, say, using doc zooming? Incredibly latent screen redraws? In other words, no more VNC-like speed?
No, that's still there, but in general screen redraws are much faster. There's still some drawing delays, but in general performance is definitely improved. There's a new RD menu extra, too!
Yes you do need the ARD Admin software.

On my local network I dont see any screen tearing but I have been unable to get it to work over our wan. It looks like the port number has changed.

OS X 10.3 remote clients work better then 10.2 clients.
StarBuck said:
but I have been unable to get it to work over our wan.

did you ever get it to work over wan?
like you connected to a machine in one network, connected through the internet?

i never managed..

maybe i should digg deeper into these forums' archives...

ARD now is old.
The latest version, 1.2, has been released in 2002 and has to be update.

Right button is not supported even if u use a two button mouse, u can't set the UDP port, but u have to use the default one, u have to use the keyboard layout of the mac u r managing and not your one, and some other issues.

I use ARD too everyday, it's a great app, but it has to be immediately updated.

Yes I did manage to get ARD 1.2 to work under 10.2 over a wan by opening up port 3283.

But under 10.3 it wont work over a wan no probs on a lan.

arri said:
did you ever get it to work over wan?
like you connected to a machine in one network, connected through the internet?

i never managed..

maybe i should digg deeper into these forums' archives...

StarBuck said:
Yes I did manage to get ARD 1.2 to work under 10.2 over a wan by opening up port 3283.

But under 10.3 it wont work over a wan no probs on a lan.

I use ARD 1.2 client and server on OS X 10.3 without problems.